Knights of the Round

Apr 28, 2006 22:31


Name/Alias: Lynne, or Blue-san
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Would you prefer to be voted as a boy, girl, or no pref: Boy, please. I tend to lean towards guy characters more than girls.
Where you heard about this community: In the affiliates list for acratings

About You

Favorite Color: Forest green. The type of green you get from a fresh leaf sprouted at the beginning of spring, hidden in the shadows. Darkish, but not so much so.
Favorite Food: Mmm...probably shrimp. It's such a sweet tasting sea food, and probably one of the very few foods I like cold.
Favorite Song (and why): Our Lady of Sorrows, by My Chemical Romance. The beat to me is very addictive, and some of the lyrics are so puzzling, but they're still beautiful and make sense, in their own way.
Strengths: My intelligence is definately one. I'm more intelligent and deep-thinking than people my age, which allows me to view a lot of things without prejudices. My compassion is another; I love my friends, and I would do anything for them, no matter what it would cost me. English is last; I have a larger vocabulary than most, and love to read. That's an odd strength compared to the others, but oh well. XD;;
Weaknesses: Revealing my emotions; I tend to bottle up and mask my bad emotions, and when I try to tell what I'm really thinking I get scared of how others will react. Most see me as a bubbly, happy-go-lucky girl, but in truth even I don't know how I really am.

Standing up for myself; I'm the youngest in my family, and therefore I tend to allow myself to be pushed around in order not to get on my older sibling's bad sides. This doesn't just apply to my family, but my daily life as well.
What you love: Art, in all forms. Art is beautiful, and allows one to truly express themselves through their work.

Nature. Without nature, how could we even survive?

Music. Technically this goes under art too, but I'm putting it as seperate. I love all the variations of beats you can make with a simple instrument, the range of tones and sounds, and how different one song of one genre can be from another of the same genre. Music gives you a more personal glimpse to the artist than anything except writing can, and technically, it is writing, too.
What you hate: Close minded people. They live inside their our world, denying, rejecting and mocking anything they don't believe in or don't allow inside their bubbles. I understand some close minded people are only results of their upbringing, but they could still attempt to change. This list can go on, but I'll leave it at this, because this is the one thing I hate most.
Hobbies & Interests: Writing. I love to write, to create my own worlds or extend the plots of games, movies, books, etc. that I like (fanfiction). It's such a great release of emotion.

Drawing. This is also another great creative release, in a more visible form, in my opinion.

Listening to music. It allows me to drift off and relax.
Your dream: I...really haven't discovered my dream yet. For now, it's this; to protect those I love with my life, and never let anything bad happened to them that I can prevent.


Optimistic or Pessimistic: Both. I can seem optimistic on the outside, and be horribly dark on the inside.
Mature or Immature: Again, both. This depends on my company at the moment, but most of the time I can tell you I'm immature.
Summer or Winter: Summer; it's incredibly hot, but it's beautiful to see all the life around you. From the blooming flowers, to the scampering squirrels, to the birds, singing from their perches in the healthy young trees, as well as the water as it glistens in the sun. Plus, it gives you an excuse to go swimming as well, which I love to do.
Morning or Night: Night. It's tranquil and quiet, and the moon is beautiful to behold, especially when full or new. The stars are in full glory, and though the darkness can be intimidating, it's also alluring and mysterious.
Outgoing or Shy: Once more, this depends; I have an odd habit to suddenly change around strangers. Some I'll be incredibly enthusiastic to meet, and others I'll simply watch in silence, wishing I could gather enough courage to speak to them.
Conservative or Risky: Conservative; I don't want to risk that if I take a chance, I'll bring down those I care for with me. I wait until the odds are much more in my favor than in Chance's.
Lead or Follow: Follow; again, I fear making big decisions due to the fact I might royally screw up and bring everyone down with me.
Confident or Modest: A mixture of the two, I think. I have random bursts of modesty and random bursts of confidence.
Logic or Emotion: Logic; emotion is highly valued, but it can sometimes lead to horrible consequences. Logic, depending on the person, is impartial, and so better suited to make decisions.


Can you put your trust in people? Why or why not? I'm odd with this; I put my entire trust in my friends, and even in some strangers, foolishly. But other people I'm completely wary of, not letting my guard down for a second.

Do you prefer working with a group or alone? Why or why not? I prefer to be alone, that way I don't have to worry for the others. Because of my intelligence, people also tend to take advantage of me, throwing me all the work.

Do you: Help people whenever you can; Wish you helped people but walk away anyway; or believe people get what they deserve? Wish I helped people but walk away anyway. Mostly the guilt hits me after I'm gone, but there are those rare moments when it comes in the process of walking away. I don't know why I do it, I just do.

Do you act on impulse and instinct or do you take time to think things through? I take time to think about things, most of the time. The very fews times on which I act on impulse is when I'm completely pissed off, in which I can't control myself.

What is your choice weapon and why? A gun, or spear; spears allow you a choice of range, because you can throw them, stab from a range, or get close up, if the situation calls for such action. Guns need reloading, but can cause great damage if aimed correctly and gives you good range. The only real downside is when the enemy closes in, effectively cutting off your advantage.

What is one thing you believe in more than anything? Would you fight for it? I believe in my friendship. I absolutely would fight for it, at all costs. My friendship means the world to me.

If there was one thing you could change about yourself, what would it be? My guises. I want to be more open, to find out who would truly like me for -me-, instead of what I seem to be. As one such lyric goes, 'a zombie hides my face'.

(If you have three (3) clear pictures of yourself, provide them. If not, provide a detailed description of yourself) My hair is shoulder length, wavy and frizzy at the top, brown and black (black from dying it black with blue undertones a long while ago). My eyes are brown, the right slightly lighter in shade than the other. I'm slightly paler than most kids my age, and I'm kinda fat. ^_^;; I'm around 5'2", and yes, like people my age, I have acne. I also wear glasses that, at the moment, only have one leg. XD;;

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