Name/Alias: Stephanie
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Would you prefer to be voted as a boy, girl, or no pref: No preference
Where you heard about this community: I don't remember; I think I saw it on another rating community a while back, but I just recently finished FF7 and I just remembered the name of this community.
About You
Favorite Color: Blue-grey and purple
Favorite Food: Seafood (especially lobster)
Favorite Song (and why): "Skywriting" by Shuntaro Okino; I believe that the lyrics have beautiful imagery and are, in general, very encouraging.
Strengths: I'm observant, full of thought, and mostly calm. I'm imaginative and I like to think I'm creative.
Weaknesses: I'm very quiet and introverted, and I'm not a very good communicator. Sometimes I give up too easily, and I tend to blame myself for a lot of things, whether or not they were really my fault. I'm also a bit naive and take things literally a lot of times. >_> I'm not much one for humor; I'm not really witty, and I tend to return blank glances towards things that tend to slay others with laughter.
What you love: Animals, especially birds, felines, and some mythical beasts. Animation. Daydreaming and dreaming in general. The satisfaction of finally completing something very long and/or difficult.
What you hate: Extremists and elitists of any group; condescending bugs me a bit. People who are constantly cruel for the "fun" of it. Bullies. High-pitched whirring noises (dentist drills!). Stereotypes.
Hobbies & Interests: Drawing, going to zoos and places with lots of wildlife, watching cartoons and animation of all kinds, collecting anime and Disney DVDs, stuffed animals, building model kits of (mostly) mecha, simply kicking back and lying in bed listening to music or watching a movie.
Your dream: Simply to live and see several sights.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Pessimistic heading towards an even balance between the two.
Mature or Immature: In-between, I suppose. If I'm surrounded by fifteen year-olds acting like twelve year-olds when it comes to 'immature' humor, I want to tear my hair out, but I can be a bit naive or make mountains out of molehills myself.
Summer or Winter: Winter; I'm a bit biased since I live in Texas and dislike the heat of our summers, but I'm also very fond of snowy and icy landscapes, and welcome both in their rare occasions down here because they're something different.
Morning or Night: Night; I don't know how to describe it, but I feel that there's just a peace and an aura of mystery that comes with nightfall.
Outgoing or Shy: Very withdrawn, and I often don't know what to say in a casual conversation.
Conservative or Risky: Mostly conservative, but if there's no consequences that would impact my life or another's life, such as a game, I'll take risks.
Lead or Follow: I don't function well in a group, but if I had to, then follow; I don't feel capable of being a leader because I'm afraid that I'd screw things up, and I'm comfortable carrying out the orders.
Confident or Modest: Very modest.
Logic or Emotion: I try to act on logic, but sometimes my emotions get the better of me.
Can you put your trust in people? Why or why not?
I can put trust in my family and certain adults I've known throughout my life, but I feel I can't trust my own peers 100%. I've been walked all over by people in my age group throughout my life.
Do you prefer working with a group or alone? Why or why not?
Alone; I prefer to work at my own pace, and while I'd like my voice to be heard, I wish to avoid conflict with others. There's also been times where most of the work had been dumped on me at the very last moment even if I tried to communicate with the others on what needed to be done.
Do you: Help people whenever you can; Wish you helped people but walk away anyway; or believe people get what they deserve?
I wish I helped people, but hope that somebody else comes along; it settles in with my inferiority complex that I might say something or do something that brings more harm.
Do you act on impulse and instinct or do you take time to think things through?
I prefer to think things through, but many times I don't think them through enough.
What is your choice weapon and why?
...Well, if I were in the game, I'd like a giant robot shaped like a bird or a griffin. :D In reality (or if I can't have the robot), then probably a crossbow, because I like projectiles and crossbows have a little traditional flair to them. I would say a sniper rifle since I have an odd fascination with snipers, but I would quickly lose patience and start shooting the target several times until it dies and/or I run out of ammo, defeating the initial purpose. :D
What is one thing you believe in more than anything? Would you fight for it?
Non-conformity; just being yourself and not succumbing to another's standards just to "fit in". Not only do I feel happier cutting loose and being my own person, but it gives me my own sense of identity. In a sense, I willing to fight for my own non-conformity myself and only for myself because it's my identity, but I'm willing to rally against stereotypes in general as well.
If there was one thing you could change about yourself, what would it be?
Probably my speech; I don't talk often, and I tend to speak before I think so I slip up and stutter quite a bit to the point where I'm harshly criticized for it by my parents. Otherwise, the one thing I would initially answer this with- my extreme loneliness- I feel has actually been improving. I used to be insanely depressed because I don't have any close friends, but lately I've realized that I don't need other people to make me happy. Since then I've felt a lot happier about myself, removing that emotional burden despite my other flaws.
I don't have a photo, but I have fluffy and naturally curled brown hair, light brown eyes, and slightly large build.
Required Thanks in advance~