Name/Alias: Tom
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Would you prefer to be voted as a boy, girl, or no pref: As much
As I do love those fems from FF7, I’m going to go with the guys.
Just due to the fact, I’m a guy and I like the male characters better
Where you heard about this community: Just searching around on my interests.
About You
Favorite Color: For the most part, I love blacks and reds.
Favorite Food: Anything spicy! For me, the hotter the better. I’m a big fan of Donars. I guess that’s the Canadian part in me shining through. I also love Iced Chai’s from Starbucks. They just reminds me of a nice cold drinkable cinnamon bun. I also love Mr. Noodles. I don’t know why, but I adore them. I’m also really into Sea Food.
Favorite Song (and why): Personally, I don’t think that it’s fair to ask that question. Just because it changes ALL the time. Also, you have to take into consideration what makes the song good. But, I can list a song that I really dig. It’s called In Death’s Embrace by Dimmu Borgir. True, it’s Black Metal, but I find that musically, Black Metal is far greater than anything out there today. Just the way how every instrument comes together, is sort of like poetry. As cliché as that sounds.
Strengths: I’m extremely hard working, and try to do my best with every damn thing a person gives me. I’m extremely blunt as well, and I don’t see that as a weakness because I feel that we as people owe it to each other to be honest. Sometimes the honesty hurts, but it’s better to know these things. I’m also a quick thinker, I’m able to just think up things on the spot, which is good if my friend’s and I are bored. Also, I am an actor, so I can play off random things and enjoy just making art.
Weaknesses: I’d say that I talk too much for my own good. I tend to speak so fast that people have no clue what I’m saying. I don’t have a filter in my head when I joke around, so sometimes when I say something completely harmless, it comes across mean. I’m normally always late for something important, and I do forget to go to important events sometimes.
What you love: Sin City, Lost, Harry Potter, Star Wars(Old one’s), Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Battle Royale, Silent Hill, Prince of Persia, Monty Python, Final Fantasy, Black Metal, Musicals, Working in a CD store, Acting, Singing, Dancing, Just being with my friends, reading, seeing a movie, bitching about a movie, Playing my bass, Jamming with my band, H.I.M., Firefly, Making movies, writing fan fiction(mainly Sin City), The Warriors
What you hate: Homophobia, guys who wear pink, people who like horrible movies, people who bitch about music, people who feel that they’re better than others, emo kids, Paris Hilton, People who stand on sidewalks and take up the space, cold coffee, drying off with a wet towel
Hobbies & Interests: Movies, Reading, Writing, Making Music, Acting, Dancing, Making Movies, Hanging out with my girlfriend, talking with my friend Alex, Going on walks around Toronto, Working(Strange I know)
Your dream: In the long run I’d like to become a writer. Just for myself, or maybe even start on my movies that I have brewing.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Normally Optimist, but we all have our moments.
Mature or Immature: I’m a mix. Which is bad considering I’m 21. But, we all do.
Summer or Winter: I love Winter. I love how cold it gets, and it’s even better when it rains. Winter just has a much more Tranquil feel to it.
Morning or Night: Night. There’s not a single doubt in my mind. I find that at night, much more interesting people come out to play. Also, night life is just so much better. People aren’t in a rush, they’re more laid back and willing to talk to other people and have a good time with complete strangers. Also, there’s always that mystique about night. Those horrible things that lerk in the depths of the darkness. I love it all.
Outgoing or Shy: Well, seeing as how I have no problem with talking to random people I meet out on the street, I’m going to go with outgoing. I just couldn’t picture myself as this small little shy thing. I’m just too much of a freakin’ talker for my own good.
Conservative or Risky: HA! I’ve had relationships with men, do you really think I’m Conservative? I like a little adventure in my life, it beats the living hell out of things being the same and getting dull. It’s even better if the risk gets me into a little bit of trouble. Trouble never really hurt anyone as long as it was legal.
Lead or Follow: I more so bounce to the beat of my own drum. If people want to follow me, then so be it, but I don’t go out of my way to make people like me, or try to be like other people. I am what I am, and if people don’t like it, then it’s just too damn tough for them.
Confident or Modest: Modest. Even if people give me praise, I always except it and move on to the next thing. I hate it when people fuss over something I’ve done well. It makes me feel weird and I just don’t like that feeling.
Logic or Emotion: Logic with about 50 perfect Emotion. I’m like the ocean.
Can you put your trust in people? Why or why not? I trust people right away. I have no reason not to trust them. I mean, I don’t know them, so to me, they’re completely clean. Which in the long run I see it as good. But, if that person double crosses me, well everything is ruin and I really don’t have much time for them anymore. Trust is a precious thing and you can really only shatter it once.
Do you prefer working with a group or alone? Why or why not? Normally, I like to work in groups. I find that ideas and the whole group dymanic can just help everyone to get things going. Also, it proves lots of laughs along the way and the work load is normally less.
Do you: Help people whenever you can; Wish you helped people but walk away anyway; or believe people get what they deserve? I help my friends when they need it. Because they’re my friends and I’d do anything for them. I help most people I run into, just because I’d like for a random person to do the same to me. But, if a person is rude to me, it kinda hampers that whole feeling, but I’d say I help out everyone whenever I can. I’m just a good guy over all.
Do you act on impulse and instinct or do you take time to think things through? Depends on what I’m doing. Most of the time I go on instinct, unless it’s something completely new to me, then I just go on impulse. I find that it’s a lot more fun to go off of impulse because you don’t know what to expect next.
What is your choice weapon and why? If I had to pick just one weapon, I’d go with a Sai. Just because I find that they’re best for fighting when you’re facing off with someone with a sword. You can get in and mess the sword with one hand, and stab with the other hand. It’s perfect.
What is one thing you believe in more than anything? Would you fight for it? I believe in creation. Going out and making something new every day.
If there was one thing you could change about yourself, what would it be? Honestly, the only thing I could change about myself would be my speed of speech. That’s it.