Name/Alias: Caroline, seetoo
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Would you prefer to be voted as a boy, girl, or no pref: Either’s fine.
Where you heard about this community: ERmm…I can’t remember. D:
About You
Favorite Color: BLUEBLUEBLUE!
Favorite Food: Chocolate. Yummm.
Favorite Song (and why): Oh, gee. I have way too many favorite songs. Pretty much anything by the Goo Goo Dolls. (I also really like the Advent Children version of One- Winged Angel, because it -sounds- nice. And the latin is understandable, and I can translate it. :D)
Strengths: Intelligence, wit, creativity, don’t back down from my position, can make people smile/laugh.
Weaknesses: paranoid, inferiority complex, won’t talk to people, an elitist bitch, too stubborn, take things to far.
What you love: reading, close friends, family, music. Thinking (just sitting and thinking…you know?) cute things.
What you hate: Ignorance, and stupid people. (Yes, that’s cruel, but…) The sound of people eating. It drives me up the wall.
Hobbies & Interests: Writing, reading, playing the violin, rowing.
Your dream: To be published. I know, it’s a cliché dream. Oh well. And the whole “True Love” thing.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: I’m pretty pessimistic, but my inner optimist won’t ever go away.
Mature or Immature: Immature when it comes to some things, but I’ve been pushed into the role of the “mature one” so I’ve become more mature.
Summer or Winter: Winter. I love being cold and able to curl up under a blanket. :3
Morning or Night: Night. I’m not a morning person at all, and while I do like to curl up in the sun ( like a cat) I prefer looking at the stars.
Outgoing or Shy: I’m REALLY shy.
Conservative or Risky: More conservative. I’m kind of a pansy when it comes to most things. I voice my opinions though, when I really shouldn’t, and take the risk of pissing people off, but that’s about it.
Lead or Follow: I prefer to follow, but have input into what’s going on. >>
Confident or Modest: XD I’m such an egocentric bitch. I try to be modest and all I can think is, “You know I’m awesome!”
Logic or Emotion: I try to follow logic, but my emotions sort of beat it to death. XD
Can you put your trust in people? Why or why not?
Not easily. I’m really paranoid, and I second-guess the intentions of everyone around me, constantly.
Do you prefer working with a group or alone? Why or why not?
Alone, simply because not many people can keep up with me. I’ve been in a lot of groups where I do all of the work.
Do you: Help people whenever you can; Wish you helped people but walk away anyway; or believe people get what they deserve? This is hard. I sometimes do all three. Err…I generally only help people I like and/or care about (which is a small number). So, I always help people if I can/want to, but if I just walk away my attitude is usually one of “good riddance, you deserved it.”.
Do you act on impulse and instinct or do you take time to think things through? If I’m not in a state of hysteria, I try to think through my decisions, but if that seems like it will take to long, I often launch myself into something. I rarely, if ever, think before I speak.
What is your choice weapon and why? Of all time? A scythe. Because they are badass. And unconventional, and all that stuff. And so pretty. *__* Out of FFVII weapons? I’m not really sure. Swords are always fun. =D (In all honesty, I would have no chance in a fight, ever. People tell me all the time that they can’t leave me all alone or I’d DIE.)
What is one thing you believe in more than anything? Would you fight for it? Freedom of religion. I’d argue my case, sure, but I don’t think actually fighting helps the situation, at all. Violence = bad.
If there was one thing you could change about yourself, what would it be?
My shyness. I really wish I could be more outgoing.
(If you have three (3) clear pictures of yourself, provide them. If not, provide a detailed description of yourself) I’m about 5’7” and I’m pretty slim, with long legs. Pale with freckles, and hazel eyes (which have horrible vision). My hair is shorter in back, hitting the middle of my neck. It’s a pretty average brown color, with a burgundy gloss over it. (There used to be purple too, but it faded. Woe.) Also, I have a bump on my nose. It’s a ball of nerves, apparently. XD
This is me being a spaz about something. Nobody knows what. XD But I guess it shows what my face looks like. Woo.
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