Knights of the Round

Nov 05, 2006 02:46


Name/Alias: Danny
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Would you prefer to be voted as a boy, girl, or no pref: BOy
Where you heard about this community: Celi.

About You

Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Food: Sometimes it's hard for me to decide...Usually something simple.
Favorite Song (and why): Mephisto Waltz - Moi dix Mois. The song is soft...And mellow, with the feeling of classical music. Though it's by a death metal band. It has a feeling of loneliness that I'm a little familiar with, but at the same time, it can almost make you smile...Very difficult to explain.
Strengths: I really dislike when people ask for strengths, I always have trouble thinking of exactly what to put. I take great pride in my writing skills, and ability to make friends easily...
Weaknesses: Possessiveness, sometimes being a bit cold, a tendency to push everyone away from me when I'm upset, along with those who I'm closest to. I tend to overthink what people say about me... And I don't think enough before acting...I also have a tendency to be a little scatter-brained at times.
What you love: What I love...It's sort of a tough question. I love a lot of things...The ability to have friends for one...
What you hate: ...Lies.
Hobbies & Interests: Writing. Short-stories, some photography, and possibly a little bit of drawing here or there.
Your dream: My dream is to move on from my current situation...Change a few things about myself possibly, so I can make life better for not only myself, but those around me.


Optimistic or Pessimistic: Pessimistic
Mature or Immature: Mature
Summer or Winter: Winter
Morning or Night: Night
Outgoing or Shy: Shy
Conservative or Risky: Somewhere in between, but conservative.
Lead or Follow: Lead -- Not usually by choice mind you... People usually just end up following my lead, for some reason.
Confident or Modest:Modest
Logic or Emotion: Emotion


Can you put your trust in people? Why or why not?
Most of the time, I would say yes... Then there is a part of me that says no. For the most part, I would like to believe that most people can be trusted... Usually, I instill my trust in someone... And it's given. Though--If that trust is broken, it's highly unlikely that I will trust that person with anything ever again... Lies are the things that hurt the most.

Do you prefer working with a group or alone? Why or why not?
I prefer working alone, actually... I think that if it's something that I truly want to do... I shouldn't have to burden anyone with helping me try to accomplish it.

Do you: Help people whenever you can; Wish you helped people but walk away anyway; or believe people get what they deserve?
A combination of the three... It depends on what the situation is. Sometimes when I've tried to help in the past, I've gotten spit on. Therefore I tend to avoid helping in those ways now... And depending on the person, and how well I know the situation--I know that some people deserve what's come to them.

Do you act on impulse and instinct or do you take time to think things through?
I tend to act on impulse... It's more to deal with my emotions for me. I am always known to do what I -feel- rather than what the smart thing is. Which means that I've gotten myself into some pretty bad situations in the past. Somehow I manage to always get myself out.

What is your choice weapon and why?
With this question... I feel as if no matter what I'm going to say is going to be completely cliché... Though, I'm sure I'd choose some sort of sword. Swords are durable, and they can deal a heavy blow...Not only that, but they're possibly the easiest weapon out of the ones that I could think of to handle. Save a gun...Yet for some reason I don't think using a gun in a battle is completely fair.

What is one thing you believe in more than anything? Would you fight for it?
Truth. I believe that you should never lie to someone...Even if it's to protect them... And yes, I've fought over it before.

If there was one thing you could change about yourself, what would it be?
There are a few things. I'm not sure exactly where I'd start.


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