Stamped as ze Strife & not looking for a 're-stamp' per se, just thought I'd see which girl I'm most like this time, if that's alright x)
: Panida (pa-nee-da)
Age: 16, Tifa & I share the same birthday -- May 3 xP
Gender: F
Would you prefer to be voted as a boy, girl, or no pref: girl, please x)
Where you heard about this community: random browsing & thinking "...why am I not already a member of this?"
About You
Favorite Color: pink, grey
Favorite Food: dim sum, meat, dark chocolate
Favorite Song (and why): Wow, don't make me choose. I do love this quote from 'Over the Sky' by Hitomi Kurioshi though,
...If you take to the skies,
I want to be your wings.
One day, I promise I will have supple wings that will never snap,
no matter how strong the wind may be...
Strengths: spunky, achiever, caring, book-smart, languages/words, friendly, fast learner, will put up a fight for what I believe in, not a pushover, dedicated to what I care about, trying to be more self-reliant,
Weaknesses: I think too much; over-analyzing how people say and do things, can be short-tempered, scatter-brained, I have a hard time opening up to people about my problems, indecisive when it comes to little things but I try to be decisive and follow through with decisions of more gravity, not independent enough for my taste, cautious (but I wouldn't say no to some adventure ^^!), worrier, a personal need to prove myself, I dwell on memories and things, I second-guess myself sometimes
What you love: laughing, languages, Tolkien, thunderstorms, arts/music, anime, manga, videogames
What you hate: people who don't listen, blind followers, wasted talent, apathy, over-confidence
Hobbies & Interests: inventing smoothies, doodling, watching anime, reading books/manga, pilates, golf, violin, arts, music, academics, languages
Your dream: become a dentist or pharmacist & eventually to be a good wife/mom & die loved & fulfilled x) HAVE GUMMI SNACKS BASED ON ME >D
Optimistic or Pessimistic: ...realistic, mostly. I'm more pessimistic towards myself but optimistic for others.
Mature or Immature: in between, I like to have fun but know when to get down to business.
Summer or Winter: winter -- Florida winter at least, it's that nice brisk weather that just makes me feel alive
Morning or Night: night, I feel more motivated but in the morning, I feel like I have more time to do what I have to do
Outgoing or Shy: either, depending on the company. I can come off as quieter sometimes but people who are familiar with me will say "what's up with you? I've never seen you quiet!"
Conservative or Risky: I'm really not much of a risk-taker, I think it's necessary though. "Great love & accomplishments deserve great risks", as they say .
Lead or Follow: well, I won't exactly volunteer to lead but I guess I'm a leader at heart. I can't help take charge a bit if I think things can go more efficiently ^^;
Confident or Modest: I have a good outlook on myself but I'm not one to flaunt or boast, I think it's more satisfying for people to know about your er, I guess 'greatness' without you having to tell them -- I hate arrogance. Others seem to be more confident in my abilities than I am though.
Logic or Emotion: a mix of both, depends on how emotionally unstable I am, I get myself into trouble sometimes when my heart wins out over my head though.
Can you put your trust in people? Why or why not? I guess so, not whole-heartedly though as I'm a bit paranoid. I think I have people that "have my back", if you will x)
Do you prefer working with a group or alone? Why or why not? They both have their perks but if given the choice, a group.
Do you: Help people whenever you can; Wish you helped people but walk away anyway; or believe people get what they deserve?
Wish I helped people but walk away anyway & also believe people get what they deserve/work for usually, I try to help if it's not too much out of my way
Do you act on impulse and instinct or do you take time to think things through?
same as the answer to logic/emotion -- think things through usually 'cause I'm not impulsive unless I'm really emotionally unstable or defensive
What is your choice weapon and why? gun, not so messy & won't necessarily kill -- also long range so I have more time to think. Nothing beats the beauty of using a katana with skill though.
What is one thing you believe in more than anything? Would you fight for it? This is really corny but I think everyone in the world should have someone that they know truly loves/cares for them because with that I believe you can overcome anything life can throw at you because that someone will be the light to pull you out of the darkness xP & If that can be fought for, yes I would.
If there was one thing you could change about yourself, what would it be? I wish I was fearless -- that way I could go all out in everything, no holds barred.
(If you have three (3) clear pictures of yourself, provide them. If not, provide a detailed description of yourself)
oh, wow! I just found that picture from awhile long ago. Figure I'd add it as it's FF-yet-not-VII -related.
minus the wig there xP
Required (For the time being, until the participation of this community speeds up, members will be required to vote on at least 5 other applications before they can be stamped. Below, post the five links so we can verify)
Did what I could ^^