Knights of the Round

Jan 23, 2007 02:43


Name/Alias: Becca!
Age: Neeeh. I don't really like stating my age, since more often than not I get looked down on for it, but whatever. -shrug- 13, 14 in May
Gender: Ladycreature!
Would you prefer to be voted as a boy, girl, or no pref: No preference here!
Where you heard about this community: From the interests page? I was just searching for rating comm's really. :/

About You

Favorite Color: Sky Blue, because I love looking at the sky when there isn't a cloud around, I find it stunning and uplifting in an odd way.
Favorite Food: Chicken Friend Rice! I love it! Now I want some. ;.; Damn 'favorite food' question!
Favorite Song (and why): Uhhhgh. I like too many songs to just pick /one/ But right now, Angels by Tori Amos, because it has nice melody to it and it;s lyrics are thoughtful.
Strengths: Logical, thoughtful, openminded, quick-thinking, funny (supposedly >>), and apparently i'm charismatic, can't see it myself though. But then again, i;m not to be friends with myself, so charisma doesn't really count to me! :D
Weaknesses: Paranoid,  a bit of a hypochondriac and i'm heartstoppingly lazy if i'm not motivated.
What you love: Blue sky, the beach, the sea, music, texting, chatting, moneyyy, clothing, fashion, dressing up, drawing, singing and travelling.
What you hate: Hypocricy, but no doubt that makes /me/ a hypocrite, overcast skies, bugs, spiders, being left out of things, being looked down on, rude people and ungreatful people.
Hobbies & Interests: Drawing, making graphics, singing, texting ( is that a hobby? o.o;;), chatting, playing video games, and being bossy. xD
Your dream: Well to be specific, I want to become an archeaologist and maybe discover something that would aid us towards the future. But more vaguely, I just want to create a name for myself, and make sure i'm not forgotten.


Optimistic or Pessimistic: I try my hardest to be optimistic, but my constant anxiety makes me a natural born pessimist. :/
Mature or Immature: I;m mature when it comes to accepting ideas and telling my opinions, but when i'm around friends I can be more immature, i.e teasing and joking constantly.
Summer or Winter: Summer! I may have chosen winter if we actually had snow here, but we don't. So i'm a summer girl! Also, all of the flowers and tree's look best in Summer!
Morning or Night: Morning! It's the promise of a new days to get things right!
Outgoing or Shy: I'm pretty outgoing, though if i'm out of my comfort zone i;m painfully shy.
Conservative or Risky: A bit inbetween. If I know all of the risks and now that if something happens I can deal with it, i'll be risky, but otherwise i'm conservative.
Lead or Follow: I'll lead if I feel that the group would be benefit more if I did, but otherwise i'm happy to follow aslong as the leader is fair and not a right ass.
Confident or Modest: Confident in a mocking way. I'll be arrogant but most of the time I just joking. So i'm really more modest.
Logic or Emotion: Logic for sure. I always think things out thoroughly before I do anything, and I really make moves based on emotions. They're just so unethical and cause more problems when you act on them.


Can you put your trust in people? Why or why not? Not often. Mainly because i've been betrayed before and it scares the hell out of, so I keep all of my secrets to myself and try not to fall into situations where I have to depend on others.

Do you prefer working with a group or alone? Why or why not? Alone, because my ideas tend to differ from the normal and this can sometimes put me at ends with a group of people, thus i'd rather avoid that conflict and do my own thing.

Do you: Help people whenever you can; Wish you helped people but walk away anyway; or believe people get what they deserve? I try to help those I think deserve it, but if someone who's done wrong is in trouble i'll leave them. And get a hell of a guilty trip later on.

Do you act on impulse and instinct or do you take time to think things through? I take time to think it through unless i'm 100% sure what I plan to do is the best course of action.

What is your choice weapon and why? A gun? I don;t like getting my hands dirty at all. :/ Or maybe just materia and spells.

What is one thing you believe in more than anything? Would you fight for it? That everyone has the right to live their own life how they want. Yes. I would fight for it with all of my strength. But considering I quit the gym, I probably wouldn;t last long. >>; Pumping iron isn't my thing i'm afraid.

If there was one thing you could change about yourself, what would it be? My anxiety problems. Because it;s really holding me back in life.

(If you have three (3) clear pictures of yourself, provide them. If not, provide a detailed description of yourself)

lo behold thy camerawhore. >>;

Required (For the time being, until the participation of this community speeds up, members will be required to vote on at least 5 other applications before they can be stamped. Below, post the five links so we can verify)

~Thank you for reading! I hope my completely insane ramblings didn;t cause your brain to commit suicide!
If it did. Well. :/ You probably can't read this. And probably won't remember that it was my fault. So, it's all good in the land of Becca. ;D

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