Having trouble remembering what's where on the site? Me too! XD Not being able to link to specific pages of the site can make things a bit difficult. So I put together this list, which I hope will be helpful to you~
This is a list in order of the links, buttons, and text on the left sidebar, with links to any translations we have. Underneath each comic name, I also have a list of who/what is on that page. Hopefully this cuts down your time finding that certain picture or comic that you remember but can't locate.
I can't perfectly identify all the characters yet, and I'm unsure of what names to use for some of them. So if you have any questions, corrections, or additions, please tell me. :)
Thanks much to
pandarosi and
shiroro for translations! <3
The site belongs to Rokuzai and can be found
here. Click the bold text at the top to get to the page I'm talking about.
Crtl + F the Japanese text to find the comic on the main site.
■初めにお読みください (please read this first) - author’s notes
Translation here. ●二次創作の規約と質問回答 (Agreements, questions & answers regarding derivative works) - rules regarding fanart, cosplay, ect.
Partially translated here ★御連絡事項(必読)(regarding contacting the author (should be read by everyone))
Red button- character list
Translation here. Black button- blog/news (*see the bottom of this posts for any parts of this that have been translated)
キャラ設定質問回答所まとめ (Settlement spot for questions about the Character setup)
漫画ログ ↓新 古↑ (Manga Log ↓new old↑)
カレーの話 (curry story)
Translation here. -Japanese navy
大和さんが喋るそうです。(Looks like Yamato-san is going to talk.)
遣独潜水艦大作戦 (Japanese-Dutch Submarine Operations)
-I-8, twins, U-1224
もうこんな男だらけのサイト嫌だ!(I can't stand a site filled with men!)
-Yamato, twins, Val
零戦燃ゆ (Zero fighter in flames)
Translation here. -Zero, Hellcat
陸軍参上 (calling on the army)
Translation here -Japanese army
チハが敵に勝つ方法 (How Chi-ha beats the enemy)
-Chiha, Te-Ke
色々まとめ (Collection of sorts)
-Japanese navy, illustration of Zero, Val, and Kate, Chiha
漫画じゃないけど色々まとめ (Not a comic but, a collection of sorts)
-illustrations of Zero, Kirishima, and Yamato
榛名さんと (Haruna’s)
-illustration of Kirishima and Haruna
sleeping giant(米軍まとめ)(sleeping giant- the US military summary)
-illustration of US military; Sherman, Chiha, Hellcat, Zero
ニホンノミカタ~ドイツカラキマシタ (I am an ally from Japan - Here from Germany)
-U-1224, I-8, twins
U房まとめ② (Info about U-boat r)
-I-8, U-1224, twins
零くんと隼くん。(Rei-kun and Haya-kun)
-Zero, Hayabusa
空戦組まとめ (Info about the Aero Fighter Team)
-illustration of Zero and Val; Zero, Val, Hellcat, Kate; illustration of Hellcat and Zero
きりちまなのである!(I am Kiri-chima!)
-little!Kirishima?, Japanese navy
今日の陸軍・その壱 (The Army today - Part 1)
-Chiha, Te-Ke, Sikisiki; illustration of Sikisiki
国家機密の為写真撮影はご遠慮ください (Please refrain from photographing the nation's confidential material)
-illustrtation of…Yamato???; Nagato, Yamato
はじめまして武蔵です (Nice to meet you, I'm Musashi.)
-Musashi, Wildcat; illustration of Musashi
空母着艦の際はご注意を (Caution, when dealing with aircraft carriers.)
-Zero, Val, Kate, twins, Yorktown, Hellcat
海軍VS陸軍 (army vs. navy)
-Japanese army and navy
人気投票有難う御座います!(Thank you for voting in the popularity contest!)
-Zero, a ton of others; illustration of Zero
ボーカ兵器とかSMとか。(Vocaloid-Arms and SM and stuff.)
-U-1224, I-8, Japanese army; illustration of I-8
米軍まとめ② (Info about the American army )
-Hellcat, lots of Yorktown, Sherman
設定とか質問とか。(Questions and Settings)
-Zero, Val, Kate; illustration of Hellcat and Wildcat
零くんとヘル猫 (Zero-kun and Hellcat)
Translation here -Zero, Hellcat
戦闘機組まとめ (Info about the fighter jets.)
-Zero, Hellcat, Messerschmitt
メッサーとスピット (Messer and Spit)
Translation here -Zero, Hellcat, Messerschmitt, Spitfire
今日の陸軍・その弐 (The army today - Part 2)
-Japanese army; illustration of Hayabusa and Sikisiki; illustration of Chiha
最終兵器ハト。(pigeon ultimate weapon)
Translation here -Chiha, Sikisiki, Te-Ke, I-8, U-1224
武蔵ちゃんとノラ猫 (Musashi-chan and Wildcat)
-Musashi, Wildcat
武蔵ちゃんと瑞鶴 (Musashi-chan and Zuikaku)
-Musashi, Zuikaku
相関図とかイラストとか (Relationship chart and illusts and stuff.)
-Zero, Japanese navy, Val
潜水艦まとめ (Info about the Submarines)
-illustrations of I-8; U-1224, I-8
映画の話とか質問まとめ (Talks about movies and collections of questions)
-Zero, Val, Kate, Zuikaku; characters in casual clothes (bald guy?, Kate, Te-Ke)
ちまちまと耽美Gちゃん (Kiri-chima and the pretty old guy)
- Kirishima and U-1224?, bald guy
ドイチュの人達。(Deutsch people)
-German characters
陸軍兵器開発シリーズ① (Army weapons series)
-Japanese army, Panther, Tiger, Sherman
トムにゃん。(Nya’m Tom)
Translation here. -Tomcat, Hellcat, Zero
リクエストとか。(Collection of requests)
-U-1224, Hellcat; illustration of Tomcat and Hellcat?; Syokaku, I-8, Chiha; illustration of Zero and Hayabusa; Akagi
きいちゃんを探せ (Find Kii-chan)
-Japanese army, lots of Te-Ke
パンターとティーガー (Tiger and Panther)
-Sherman, Chiha, Tiger, Panther
空戦組まとめ。(Info about the Aero Fighter Team)
-illustration of Hellcat, Messerschmitt, Zero, and Spitfire; Hayabusa, Te-Ke; pics of actual planes XD
使える素材シリーズ① (Materials that can be used - series 1)
-logos for Japanese army and US army
使える素材シリーズ② (Materials that can be used - series 2)
-Japanese army (colored chibis)
あけましておめでとう!(happy new year!)
-illustration of Wildcat and Musashi
設定&リクエスト (settings and requests)
Translation here. -Hellcat’s tattoo designs; human names; illustration of U-1224; Nagato, Tiger.
陸奥さん (Mutsu’s)
-??? One of them is named Mutsu
トムにゃん② (Ton-nyan )
-Tomcat, Hellcat, Wildcat
小ネタとか (like a small story)
-Japanese army, Japanese planes, Hellcat, Sherman, U-boats; illustration of Nagato
メッサーとスピットⅡ (Messer and Spit II)
Translation here -Messerschmitt, Tiger, Panther, Spitfire
ビスさんとにゃんこ (Bis-san and his kitty)
榛名ちゃんのターン (Haruna-chan’s turn)
-Haruna, bald guy, Kirishima
宇宙人が攻めてきた!!(The aliens are invading!!)
Translation here -mostly Hellcat and Zero; Spitfire, Messerschmitt, Sikisiki, Kirishima
そろそろシャーマンも (sherman also soon)
Translation here -Sherman, Chiha, Te-Ke
今日の陸軍・・・とシャーマン (today’s army Sherman)
Translation here -Sherman, Chiha, Te-Ke, Sikisiki, Hayabusa
モンペとネコ (The cat and trousers)
-Wildcat, Musashi
宇宙人が攻めてきた!!2(The aliens are invading!! 2)
-Sherman, Sikisiki, Chiha, Te-Ke, Tiger, Panther
戦車組まとめ (Info about the tank team)
-Tiger, Chiha, Panther, Sherman, new character?
キャラ設定 (Character Set)
大和様 (Yamato-like)
Uボート (U-boat)
霧島さん (Kirishima’s)
兄者+隼 (the brother - Falcons)
ヘル猫+シス双子 (Hellcat + Shi & Su twins)
スピット (Spit)
深夜女の子部隊 (Midnight Girls Navy)
- Three links to pictures of fem characters
くらい漫画 (Dark Comics)
潜水艦のはなし (The Story of the Submarines)
Translation here. 優しい人のはなし (The story of a kind person)
パールハーバー (Pearl Harbor)
絵ログ (picture log)
- Each square links to a page with a picture (you may have to highlight to see them when using Google Translate)
*Translations of the blog (the second button, red text on black)
A sad love story (ctrl + F on 10-02-27)
I hope that was helpful! Let me know if you have any ideas of things to add to this, or other projects that would help out the comm. :)