Fuckin Con, man! Countdown to 4.7.11 - Post 1 of 14.

Mar 24, 2011 10:11

Okay, I'm "stealing"missdanamarie 's idea and posting con pictures to get myself and everyone else psyched for 4711 in Atlantic City. richteaboy asked last week if my SinsCon pictures ever made it up, and unfortunately the answer to that is no. I was going to try and get them all up before AC 4711 con, but that won't happen either at this point. I could give you a dozen reasons why not, but you don't / wouldn't care.

So, I'm gonna do the next best thing and try to address and take care of that problem. For the next 14 days until 4711, I'm going to post three convention pictures that I've *never* posted before. Each day one pic will be from SinsCon in Sept, 2010 in L.A., one pic will be from TCJ1 in May, 2009 and one other random convention picture from the past 5 years or so.

So, without further ado, let's get this show on the road!

SinsCon Pic from SinsCon registration. Featuring Larry larryv Jenny bmajors Bernie berniebrad Kev richteaboy (back to camera) and in the back there is even missdanamarie
(this was the only SinsCon pic I had with both Kev and Dana in it which is why I picked it - that, and, count 'em, 3 Boss Award winners there ;-).

TCJ1 Pic from Phantom of the Paradise featuring sexychicken.
I liked this shot when I took it (a little less in how it turned out, but still good enough to post).

Random past con pic from the 2002 AntiCon (pic from d_beaver - I didn't take many pics that weekend as I broke my fucking ankle during Shock Treatment ).
This is from the legendary Pac Man Fever pre show, hands down the BEST and my FAVORITE Rocky Convention pre show EVER (granted I was on a lot of painkillers and booze at that point, but whatever).


Do note these posts and pic are not going up on Facebook as I don't have access to post or comment there while I'm at work, but they will all be open/public posts so feel free to send anyone there over here (just please don't repost these pics there as I can't see or respond to comments there for more than about 10% of my day).

Sorry about the watermaking, but WAAAAYYYYY too many of my con pics have ended up all over Facebook w/o any credit or acknowledgment of where they came from, and I only see it getting worse, so every convention thing from this point on will have the sig watermark on it. I hate the way watermarks look too, but I hate that people can't even put a simple "from jefF" along with the pics either.
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