The Brookwood '06 Academic Team is now 0-3 against Walton, after the close defeat at High-Q tonight. That brings the sum total of our losses to: 2nd at the Dorman Invitational, 2nd at Varsity State, and 0 scholarship dollars, as opposed to 500 or 1000. *sigh*
I've been trying to write these damnable essays for three days now. In fact, I opted out of the soccer game tonight to write them, and what do I have typed up?
"Tess is the personification of nature."
Fuck you, Thomas Hardy. Fuck you and your earth goddess.
the season of love has put me into a poetic mood. some haikus:
Stars wink at the Sun as he sinks below the ground unrequited Love ----- brothers killed today "why them?!" weeps the mother, while the street cries white chalk