...does someone with a new baby find the time to get any writing done?? Jayna is 8 weeks old and I haven't written one word...I work, then I go home and take over from Simia, who is home on Maternity leave for a year.
I never thought I'd say this...but I'm enjoying Judd Winick's Justice League: Generation Lost soooo much more than Geoff Johns and Peter Tomasi's Brightest Day.
Watching the morning news show this morning, and what do I hear? The revelation of who in the Fantastic Four dies today. Comic store isn't even open and the big reveal is ruined at 6 am.
Stupid news...and stupid Marvel for spilling the beans early!
- Wife is still pregnant, all is going well at 16 weeks. We've never made it this far before, so its exciting and scary at the same time. Boy's name is all picked out, Girl...not yet
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