And the earth was reaped -- Master Post

Jun 25, 2010 20:05

Characters: Sam, Bobby, Dean
Rating: PG-13 for language
Genre: Angst, H/C, post-apocalypse, AU
Word Count: ~12,100
Spoilers: up to and including AHBL 2
Summary: YE is dead, the Devil's Gate is open and the deal never happened. In a world suddenly swarming with demons our boys have to find a way to survive.

This is my attempt at an apocalypse story, this is basically the first chapter of this verse. It is almost complete, right now I'm working on the last part. It takes place after "AHBL 2", though I've made some changes:Sam did not die, he is no more a special child than any other psychic YE "made", Dean did not make the deal, Sam did not shoot Jake and they were not able to close the devil's gate. Everything else is as you know it, YE is dead (Dean still shot him), the demons got out (or are still getting out) and there are psychic kids who are hunted by demons for some bigger plan. Everything else will be told in the story.

This story/verse is based on one of my other stories, "Too little, too late". I'm not sure if you have to read it for this first part to understand everything, but it does give you some details about how Sam handles his powers. In this verse Sam is an empath (meaning he can "read" feelings and, to some degree, project his own emotions onto other people) and he still has his telecinetic powers, though he is still learning how to use them.

With this story I've done something I've always wanted to do ever since the day Castiel brought up the "Winchester gospels": I wrote them, the gospels, bible style. I had a lot of fun doing it (seriously, the English gives me the chills but it's just sooo much fun, believe me! ;) ), but I'm not really sure if I'm offending anyone with this. Though, on the other hand I've seen thousand of stories in which angels have intercourse with certain Winchester brothers and nobody seemed offended by that so... well, if you like it, good, if don't: don't read it. The gospels are meant as a overview of how my universe works, there are some clues in them that might give you a better picture of the verse.

What's left to say... I have one person to thank for this, my ghostfour  who pretty much held my hand during the months I was working on it. She did the beta, talked me out of quitting the story about a hundred times and basically just made me write it by encouraging me all the way. Thanks hun, I really love you for this! (hugs) You're the bestest friend I've ever found online!

This story was written as a birthday present for my best friend kochan, without her I would never have written it at all. Love you, hun, really, really do! (hugs)

Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural. I do not own Dean (thank God!), I do not own the Impala, I do not own Bobby. What? I forgot something? Someone? Oh well, I do not own Lucifer. Happy now? :P

On with the story now! BAZINGA!

Chapter 1 -- The Fall of the Morningstar
Chapter 2 -- Careful
Chapter 3 -- The Call of Lucifer
Chapter 4 -- To the rescue
Chapter 5 -- The Manipulations of the angel Zachariah
Chapter 6 -- Safe at last
Chapter 7 -- The Workings of Azazel
Chapter 8 -- Greatly exaggerated
Chapter 9 -- The Freeing of Lilith
Chapter 10 -- Episode 1

fanfiction, spn winchester gospels, master post, supernatural, h/c

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