Had a great time on the cruises. It was so nice getting out of the crappy winter weather for two full weeks. We had mostly great weather, not too hot, great table mates at dinner for both cruises, great food, mostly great stops (didn't like Cozumel).
Anyway, link to pictures:
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Mar 03, 2011 20:04
Here's a health moment. If your skin is really, really dry, because it's been really, really cold and dry, don't scratch. I now have an itchy rash on my arms. Shit
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Dec 15, 2010 09:25
I generally hate winter. I hate the dark the most, snow second (because I have to shovel it). What I especially hate, though, is when the wind comes right after a "dry" snow. I shoveled off our front deck yesterday, and not only did the wind blow it right back, but now it's all hard and crusty. I just hope our tiny snowblower can cut through it
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Nov 28, 2010 14:24
Got my Christmas displays and tree up. Still need to dress my BJD boys for Christmas, but that can wait until next weekend.
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Nov 26, 2010 13:18
Went shopping today with mom and sis. NOT at 5:00, but at the much more sane 7:00am. Stayed away from Walmart, Target, etc. Didn't get any presents, but picked up a couple of things from BB&B that I needed (at 20 percent off). Then went to Michaels and got a little Xmas tree to pose my kitty BJDs with, and some fake snow (the "sheet" kind) to
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Sep 26, 2010 12:19
What the hell? Great, a shitty summer, and now it seems to be gearing up to be a long winter.
May 08, 2010 14:02
Fairyland is getting ready to launch their new BJD, the Chic Line, which is a mature 40cm doll. And I have a bad case of grabby hands for Ruo (boy) and Dark Soo (girl). I don't currently have a female BJD (except for a tiny anthro), but I am sorely tempted by Soo (as I was years ago by the 60cm Dark Elf Soo
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