Mar 01, 2005 18:21
Yeah I sure am doing the same thing aren't I watch me try to fuck you all... idiot.
Feb 25, 2005 15:36
Fuck that was awesome, man drama camp rules, Sam is one of the team now. WOO! AWESOMENESS TO THE MAXIMUS!
Feb 21, 2005 18:09
Hooray I am danny Zuko! woop I am chuffed! yay!
Feb 20, 2005 10:40
So I deleted the post, caused toooo much shit.
Feb 17, 2005 17:01
I want to know my part, I don't want to wait till monday.
Feb 15, 2005 16:49
Huh? Why not? Why didn't you push me back? And you said you had something to gain by not hitting me (like you would pussy) and what is it? you sleaze bag cunt!