May 04, 2005 18:12
people need to comment on my shit. damn bitches. holla.
May 04, 2005 17:46
your church is a social club.
Mar 13, 2005 23:16
i like what i do. i also like to do what i like. i dont like the word like. lets discontinue its use.
Mar 07, 2005 19:38
I'm thinking about becoming a sympathy junkie. I hear it pays well. any thoughts?
Feb 27, 2005 01:52
all the drones are free. even worker bees can fly away. the queen is their slave.
Feb 27, 2005 01:48
I always get drunk and attempt to play my guitar, but it never works.
Feb 26, 2005 03:44
I'd be the big bad body rockin bombay the boulevard hold me back better bring a bomb to the battlefield bloody black beast bringing bottoms that boom basically build barries bewilder buffoons.
Feb 20, 2005 23:48
Sorry I woke you up to read my bullshit last night mary. I suck at life. Hunter S. Thompson killed himself. I'm pissed. Fuck tha police.