May 20, 2007 19:46
My roommate is watching a movie in the bathtub. He usually takes near-hour long showers. I don't get why he loves that filth-ridden, mangy, ringed-tub so much.
God I can't want to get out of this shithole. Imma go sit on the steps and play muh banjo.
May 13, 2007 01:49
Watched Deja-Vu tonight..pretty far-fetched. I just find it funny that the same guy who plays Jesus Christ, acts as a terrorist bomber as well.
I guess Jesus kinda looked like a terrorist.
May 06, 2007 02:18
Spider-Man 3 is a huge disappointment, Sam Raimi has destroyed everything I love about spider-man.
Peter Parker gets some goddamn emo hair for christ's sake!