tree my older bro has pissed me off because he went throo my stuf looking for money so he has pissed me off because that had my bank statments and stuf from my gf in aswell and he shoed the stuff from my gf to other people that is the end of my statment....................
i went on a wolk yesterday 15 m i came back with cut and blisterd feet and im not happy it canes thats how pissed off i am................................................. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww fuck that herts
hello my name is nick most people know me and some dont i like slipknot korn rammstien and all that sort of stuf...............................................................................................
my gf is called steph she is 16 and my nick name is shrub or bonzi.......................................