If anyone's interested and is able to make it up here tomorrow night...one of my housemates is taking me out bar hopping O:), and, we're trying to see how many people we can get to go with us...(i know, i'm far away :( ), but I figured I'd see what would happen if i mentioned it...lemme know!
Okay, so I decided I was bored in Philosophy today, so I wrote this out, and am now typing it up...(what a great way to pass class time
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Yay! I get to spend the weekend in Appleton with Tank and his family! (too bad our party thing didn't work out...damn campus policies regarding alcohol on campus property...maybe then we could have gotten people interested in coming over...but oh well)
We are having a (non alcoholic :( ) halloween party at our house in Green Bay on Saturday night, if anyone is interested in making the drive to come and hang out with me, my roomies, and whoever else shows up...We'd love the company! If by any chance, anyone is interested, let me know, and I can get you directions...
Okay, so I can't really go home for my 3 hour break today, becaus it's campus preview day...which means, you leave, you're screwed because parking is scarce today...so feel free to ignore this random entry
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