Well, last entry I posted about getting a radiant lance from Nyzul. Since then I've gone and worked on the ws points needed to unlock Drakesbane for drg. Since I only have floor 40 recorded... ws points needed was 3520 according to wiki.
So today went to do Nyzul with a pick up group I ran into last week. Apparently they are a set and the RDM in their group is really behind.. like need to catch up from floor 10 all the way to floor 70. So for right now, they are letting me tag along with the RDM for all the climbing runs since I was only on floor 10 too. Just today we got to
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So! installed Knoppix onto a flash drive... boot into Knoppix through flash drive, completely bypass the HDD this time. Boot fine, left computer on for 2-3 hours
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