Player's Name: Raina
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aphoneticAIM or Email: fated sound/
Timezone: CST
Other Characters Played: Balthier
piratetheskies, Jackie Harkness
captaininnuendo, Luke fon Fabre
rendingblast Character: Miles Edgeworth-- Or Miley Edgeworth
Series/Fandom: Gyakuten Saiban
Original or Template version: Template
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Sexuality: Straight, but largely uninterested
Link to picture/PB of character:
a linkAppearance: Miley is a beautiful girl, though she's by and large unaware of how attractive she is. It's more of a hindrance, really. However, her long gray hair makes her one girl not soon forgotten. She tends to put a lot of thought into her appearance, a note of perfection from her upbringing by the von Karmas. When she feels like it, her hair curls lightly around her face, framing blue eyes and fair skin.
Miley's body type is small and slender, and she's obviously not the type of girl who does a lot of physical labor. Nor does she go out into the sun a lot. Her clothing usually consists of some sort of dress suit with a cravat. Casual wear is almost beyond her scope of understanding, so even her casual looks tend to reek of business and professionalism. Jeans are not in her repertoir, that's for sure.
Personality: As a victim of emotional trauma from a fairly early age, Miley hides her demons well. Her coworkers only know her as a hardworking prosecutor, to the point of being a workaholic. She goes beyond the norms of most of her colleagues, not trusting the work of the detectives under her and preferring to investigate each case to the fullest extent on her own, to ensure that she will get the guilty verdict she so desires.
In court, she is unrelenting and shows forethought that most experienced defense attorneys aren't ready to acknowledge. Though she doesn't have the "perfect" record of her mentor, she's still known as a demon prosecutor in her own right, especially considering her career is still fairly new. Though, there are darker rumors that follow her, and instead of denying or validating their truth, Miley does her best to ignore them. She always gets her guilty verdict by using fair means, though no one else seems to agree.
Beyond her almost menacing court persona, Miley is extremely awkward around other people and prefers to avoid social interraction as much as she possibly can. Part of this stems from the guilt that terrorizes her to this day, where she secretly believes that it was her that murdered her father one fateful day many years ago. It's why she prefers to act cold and isolate herself, by means of punishing herself as best as she can manage.
Abilities/Strengths: Miley, unlike most characters, lacks any sort of supernatural ability. In fact, Miley has a stark aversion to the supernatural. It usually leaves her stunned and frustrated beyond words. No, Miley prefers to rely on logic and evidence and cold, hard, facts. Her presence isn't one to be forgotten either, no matter his social awkwardness. How could anyone forget the Edgeworth Glare?
She approves of truth now, and relentlessly searches for that in any matter of mystery.
Weaknesses: Weaknesses for Miley are many. Of the physical limitations, Miley has no extra abilities. She's very, very human, and she's not a particularly strong human to be sure.
Though she is still trying to overcome her past, she hasn't completely move past her demons. She still has a tendency to overthink her actions. And even if something is beyond her control, she will still blame herself for the outcome. Sometimes, I think she really does wish she was psychic.
Miley is also at a completely loss when something doesn't concern logic. This is where her social awkwardness shows with flying colors, and she tends to stumble a lot in these areas.
Oh, did I mention that Miley is absolutely terrified of earthquakes?
History: Miley Edgeworth, daughter of Gregory Edgeworth, one of the most famous defense attorneys that Los Angeles had ever seen. When Miley was young, she wanted to be just like her father. In fact, she demonstrated this by defending Phoenix Wright, when they were only nine from the unfair accusations againsnt him in a class trial. This event actually inspired Phoenix to become a defense attorney himself.
But it wasn't to last, not at all.
Several months later, after attending one of her father's trials against Manfred Von Karma, Miley suffered major trauma. As she, her father, and the baliff, Yanni Yogi, got on the elevator and were leaving the court house, a major earthquake struck, destroying part of the courthouse and cutting power completely, leaving all persons stuck on the elevator.
After five hours of oxygen depravation, Yanni Yogi began to act erratically and threatened to shoot Gregory Edgeworth, to conserve air. A shot was fired, and all three occupants passed out. When they woke, Gregory Edgeworth was dead and Yanni Yogi was on trial for his murder.
Despite the police having called on a spirit medium to confirm their suspect (the spirit medium being Misty Fey), he was able to get a not guilty verdict, turning Melia away from the path of a defense attorney. Why should she work to get guilty people innocent verdicts? Criminals must be punished! Or something like that being her train of thought there.
So, of course she went under the tutelage of Manfred von Karma, learning how to be the best prosecutor that she could be-- all the while being tormented by horrifying nightmares of the incident that would forever be labeled as DL-6, and would remain unsolved for many years later.
Miley's first appearance as a prosecutor was in the case of Terry Fawles, who was being tried for the murder of Valerie Hawthorne. The trial was turned on its head, thanks to the also new defense attorney, Mia Fey. Before the verdict could be called, Terry Fawles committed suicide on the stand, letting the true criminal, Dahlia Hawthorne, walk free.
Miley's next case was known as the SL-6 incident, the Joe Darke Killings. It was with this case's finish that rumors about Miley began to circulate-- that she tampered with witnesses and falsified evidence, anything to get a guilty verdict. Despite the rumor being untrue to Miley's knowledge, these rumors persisted and she had no choice but to ignore them.
However, her first two cases being disasters, in most respects, Miley was humbled enough that she would seek out Mia Fey, the first defense attorney that she had fought in court. Despite the impasse reached there, Melia found herself wondering how the other was handling it, in a sort of distant way. Strangely enough, Mia Fey was looking for her too, to request use of her office to investigate Blue Corp., something that the fledgling defense attorney had been working on for awhile.
Miley had wanted to turn down the offer, her mind sure that defense attorneys and prosecutors shouldn't work together, but Mia Fey was unrelenting and was sure that the truth could be revealed this way. Miley agreed, then.
Not even a few weeks later, the defense attorney Diego Armando was killed, and at that time, Miley had been offered an internship with Blue Corp. from its CEO, Redd White. Miley hadn't wanted to agree, and requested that she be given a night or two to think over it, while she re-evaluated how deeply she should be involved with that defense attorney's affairs. Likely, Mia Fey wouldn't be worried about that, with Diego Armando dead.
However, stepping out of the dinner party and into the night proved to be stepping into a completely different world, entirely.
Sample Journal Entry: OOC note: Not knowing what to write about, I have made up my own prompt that Miley is Bachelorette number 3. You know. The Dating Game? so. It's a cracky situation, but rest assured of my ability to play seriously.
I'm... not even certain how I ended up in this situation. If there is a greater waste of time, I can't think of it right now.
I have the right to not answer these ridiculous questions. I fail to see how what my idea of the 'perfect relationship' is important. Nor do I think my 'perfect man' is the sort of thing you need to know. The important matter is how many laws were broken in the process.
If I find out whose idea this was...
Your lack of observation astounds me. Leave? How can I when you have me handcuffed to the chair?
Sample Roleplay: There were no words that could accurately describe Miley's acute horror at having come from a frivolous dinner party, and arriving not outside near her car, but instead in a dusty church. She wasn't even sure when the change had happened, except that she didn't approve in the slightest.
Seeing no one around to speak to, or glare at, Miley fixed her stare at the door and was soon walking towards it to escape and re ascertain herself. She'd seen an old, abandoned church before when traveling the city, but she'd never paid much attention to it. Hopefully, that was where she was now.
She opened the door, and found her suspicions confirmed. Somehow, she had managed to move from the late night to the afternoon. And from the other side of the city to this place near the river. Miley was still entirely perplexed at how that had happened, but that was a question best kept to herself.
After all, if she asked that to any other sane person, they would rightly assume she was going insane, wouldn't they? She was assuming that herself, at this point. Perhaps she'd traveled and somehow forgotten the time traveling.
That seemed the likely explanation.
She shrugged her shoulders and stepped out of the church, moving to flag down a taxi. She had work she needed to be doing for another case. And dawdling on the edges of the city was not in her calculations. She'd worry about the apparent memory loss later.
Whenever later actually happened to come... and if she didn't forget about it.
She sighed in annoyance.
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