Song lyric of the day: You got a fast car. Is it fast enough so we can fly away? We gotta make a decision: Leave tonight or live and die this way --Tracy Chapman
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Song lyric of the day: You and me baby ain't nothin but mammals so let's do it like they do on the discovery channel (get horny now) -Bloodhound Gang
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Rejected Disrespected Over rated Under rated Numbered Censored Booed Shooed Picked on Disgraced Disengaged Displaced Frowned upon Dishonored A freak A loser A dweep A nerd Feared Afraid Despondent Depressed Dark Morbid *I will not be IGNORED!!!!!
Hi, You have reached the most oftenly thrown out piece of trash on the planet. This is a public service announcement, next time you throw something out, pretend to recycle it first. At least that way, it doesn't feel so used.