Okay. I am still learning how to use my PSP8 program and recently downloaded various brushes from somebody else here on LJ. I got them imported into my program and all, but I have a problem when I try to use them
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No, I'm not taking a permanent leave from the internet....I don't even know that such a thing would ever be possible for me. BUT, I am leaving the country
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I've already resigned myself to the fact that I'm going to be up all night long, so I might as well procrastinate just a few minutes longer by updating my LJ
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I was bored last night and, I don't really know why, but decided to make my journal "Friend's Only." I think it has something to do with the communities that I'm in and the pretty FO banners that I keep seeing. So, when I find one that I love, I'll put one on here. Until then....just comment to be added. :)