✩ card post ✩ june - august logs ✩ september - november logs ✩ december - february logs ✩ march - may LOG ✩ september
→ received two cards from freebie round 06 : mushi 20. charm 17.
→ received two cards from guess the anime round 09 : flirt 10. thrust 03.
→ received six cards from news post 08 : haze 12. charm 14. enigma 10. ginryuu 03. pudding 07. prophet 18.
→ received four cards from distorted round 10 : flame 12. major 07. star 10. bronze → novel 10.
→ received four cards from seiyuu guess rounds 10 and 11 : nyo 09. hope 09. heir 16. jagan 03.
→ received two cards from freebie round 07 : selece 03. chef 17.
→ received three cards from laundry basket round 08 : critic 08. blood 11. bronze → novel 13.
→ received one card from anime trivia round 12 : rebirth 18.
→ given up hope on receiving cards from scrambler round 09.
→ received five cards for leveling up : thunder 19. sitar 11. clown 08. poison 08. flirt 13.
→ received six cards for mastering god : clown 02. goober 15. pizza 08. sitar 06. spiral 02. spiral 12.
→ Mastered Spiral.
→ received one card from guess the anime round 11 : sin 08.
→ received one card from anime trivia round 13 : camelot 09.
→ received one card from news post : novel 12.
→ traded in ccbronze from 09/2007.
→ Mastered Novel.
→ received two cards from guess the anime round 12 : oha 20. thunder 03.
→ received three cards from laundry basket round 09 : child 02. wind 12. bronze → flirt 18.
→ received two cards from freebie round 08 : fake 18. child 19.
LOG ✩ october
→ received four cards cards for mastering spiral : fire 14. fire 15. despair 06. gold → sin 04.
→ Mastered Fire.
→ received four cards mastering fire : flirt 05. flirt 07. desu 14. gold → sin 09.
→ received four cards for mastering novel : flirt 15. flirt 19. mascot 20. gold → sin 10.
→ Mastered Sin.
→ received four cards for mastering sin : flirt 04. hymn 10. poison 08. bronze → flirt 08.
→ traded in bronze from 23/2007.
→ Mastered Flirt.
→ received three cards for mastering flirt : ninja 01. sea 02. mercury 04.
→ received two cards from guess the anime round 14 : cards 02. unyuu 20.
→ received two cards from distorted round 12 : silver → ninja 06. ninja 07.
→ received three cards from card exchange : ice 19 → pyo 01. license 01 → zaft 18. zanza 17 → doctor 07.
→ received two cards from card graveyard : thunder 13. score 01.
→ received two cards from freebie round 09 : sister 15. sitar 16.
→ received two cards from seeeekrit roll call check : martyr 14. 669 11.
→ received three cards from laundry basket round 11 : soul 09. rikka 08. bronze → ninja 14.
→ received two cards from happy birthday round 17 : rouge 15. soul 01.
→ received one card from pick a card round 11 : ninja 13.
→ received one card from anime trivia round 17 : hanyou 10. (WHAT IS WITH ALL THE STUPID INUYASHA, ARG.)
→ received two cards from freebie round 10 : moe 05. stalk 02.
→ received three cards from distorted round 13 : nii 17. silver → ninja 10. ninja 11.
→ received thirty-eight cards from october mod pay : autumn 17. blitz 07. breast 18. cake 08. camelot 20. chevalier 03. coffee 12. common 20. guise 05. heaven 02. hohe 16. hound 02. impulse 08. junk 19. kira 10. lord 20. magus 19. mail 08. mascot 09. medea 02. mpd 10. net 13. nymph 20. pe 16. rebirth 14. score 18. send 13. shrimp 04. sketch 06. taiyaki 06. theEND 03. torture 11. traitor 06. watch 17. witch 13. zen 12. bronze → blitz 02. bronze → despair 02.
→ level six GET.
→ traded in silver from 09/2007 and 27/2007.
→ traded in bronze from 21/2007.
→ Mastered Ninja.
→ received three cards from guess the anime round 16 : class 01. smart 06. aniki 16.
→ received one card from pick a card round 12 : bronze → despair 15.
→ received two cards from anime trivia round 18 : bat 19. cake 01.
→ received two cards from happy birthday round 18 : enkidu 15. invidia 13.
LOG ✩ november
→ received two cards from distorted round 14 : gift 12. selece 14.
→ received three cards from laundry basket round 12 : space 02. oha 05. bronze → despair 17.
→ received two cards from happy birthday round 19 : twins 16. nii 20.
→ received two cards for voting in contest 01 : bat 17. rifle 19.
→ received three cards from guess the mascot round 09 : rifle 17. cake 10. cool 07. (I didn't realize this was a whole month ago... o_O)
→ received eight cards from scrambler round 10 : switch 12. invidia 08. helix 07. crash 01. bunny 19. gift 16. stoic 08. luxuria 02.
→ received two cards from guess the anime round 18 : razr 14. bunny 11.
→ received three cards from eye spy round 13 : class 30. common 08. bronze → send 16.
→ received two cards from happy birthday round 20 : thief 19. send 20.
→ received three cards from pick a card round 14 : plushie 11. hope 18. bronze → send 19.
→ received two cards from freebie round 11 : taijiya 18. monkey 02.
TRADE ✩ september
→ traded prodigy 11 and prodigy 14 for blitz 05 and blitz 06;
taiga_ameca 04/2007
→ traded holie 17 for novel 09;
chrysa 07/2007
→ traded wander 17 for novel 18;
temperamental 11/2007
→ traded blood 11 for despair 16;
lcpdragonslayer 13/2007
→ traded heir 16 for despair 06;
deceive→ traded rebirth 18 for despair 09;
elystia 16/2007
→ traded saru 03 for send 14;
songokuu TRADE ✩ october
→ traded wind 12 for despair 13;
aikodestiny→ traded jagan 03 for rikka 17;
capn_kat→ traded rikka 17 for flirt 03;
easy_to_replace 07/2007
→ traded sitar 06 for send 10;
zellie_kinneas→ traded sitar 11 for ninja 19;
otakuhaku→ traded prophet 18 for blitz 18;
ririkit→ traded fake 18 for cheagle 10;
tardious 08/2007
→ traded hohe 01 for child 09;
zomg_louize→ traded desu 14 for mascot 01;
ellyberry→ traded god 12 for hope 15;
fluffyferret→ traded unyuu 20 for despair 05;
skittlestemple→ traded spiral 13 for despair 07;
warwolves→ traded chef 17 for hope 06;
jadax 16/2007
→ received charm 19;
alchemism_x→ traded doctor 07 for hope 08;
lcpdragonslayer→ traded nyo 09 for despair 19;
aacdeln→ traded sitar 16 for despair 01;
bittering 19/2007
→ traded mushi 20 for blitz 10;
frozenillusionz 20/2007
→ traded despair 06 for send 03;
ignored_tears 22/2007
→ traded soul 01 and soul 09 for mascot 13 and mascot 17;
elystia 27/2007
→ traded camelot 20 and guise 05 for blitz 09, blitz 16, and blitz 19;
haruhara→ traded lord 20 for nii 06;
jadax 29/2007
→ traded poison 08 for mascot 05;
temperamental→ traded thrust 03, goober 15, medea 02, theEND 03, and traitor 06 for blitz 15, critic 11, hope 17, plushie 13, and plushie 17;
bittering→ traded common 20 for despair 08;
roxora 30/2007
→ traded 669 11 for mascot 04;
automode→ traded sea 02 for nii 13;
ariyaki→ traded witch 13 for mascot 03;
amewarashi→ traded pride 03 for bat 10;
zellie_kinneas 31/2007
→ traded class 01 for blitz 08;
shinsaber→ traded pizza 08 for mascot 07;
voxune TRADE ✩ november
→ traded rikka 08 for mascot 14;
toize 03/2007
→ traded junk 19 for hope 12;
froggster 06/2007
→ traded selece 03 for child 14;
lysberries 10/2007
→ traded cake 01 for hope 14;
roxora→ traded hound 02 for switch 15;
demyx 11/2007
→ traded twins 16 for mascot 18;
roxora→ traded lilith 19 for hound 06;
automode→ traded hound 06 for send 05;
technological 12/2007
→ traded torture 11 for blitz 01;
demyx→ traded mercury 04 for blitz 03;
rhap_chan→ traded common 08 for switch 06;
suidorime 13/2007
→ traded enkidu 15 and helix 07 for blitz 20 and haze 15;
zethel→ traded class 30 for critic 04;
roxora 14/2007
→ traded mpd 10 for switch 13;
usubeni→ traded send 13 for send 09;
lilikoifish 17/2007
→ traded bunny 11 for critic 13;
roxora→ traded haze 15 for bat 07;
technological→ traded taijiya 18 and monkey 02 for nii 03 and bat 08;
lilikoifish→ traded hohe 16 for send 02;
shuinoshina 18/2007
→ traded rebirth 14 for hope 11;
strife_girl 25/2007
→ traded rifle 17 and rifle 19 for razr 17;
elystia→ traded bunny 19 for critic 20;
roxora September 02, 2007.