Title: Pons Asinorum Pairing: Spike/Xander Rating: Adult Fandom: Buffy The Vampire Slayer Disclaimer: No profit but pleasure. Summary: The first time was pants. Warnings: None. Notes: Thanks to
He was ensouled, enraptured, and enthralled to this soft-hearted, soft in the head sod, and he should've hated that he was waxing alliterative over a middling mortal man after five fucks and a ha'pint of blood, but all he could manage was a giddy relief that Xander's pulse had already slowed into the even meter of sleep, freeing William to decant in a hushed whisper things Spike would recant, upon pain of death, were Xander to ever hear them.
*flails in inarticulate glee*
Very real, and very them, and this line was pure brilliance. :D
I needed to write the story where Spike desperately tries to resist the (sometimes questionable) allure of Xander. And I have a serious, major kink for the Spike we see later on in canon--he of the well-educated vocabulary and still-bitchy and defensive attitude.
Ahh this was great. I loved the slow build up with the lacking sex to the end with the great sex and even great amount of feeling. Thanks so much for sharing!~Bee
Thanks! I love a bit of bad sex. I get tired of the perfect sex trope, especially when people inevitably have too much riding on it. And Spike, in particular, seemed like he'd be desperately hoping it would be bad so that he could avoid an emotional engagement he was already too far gone to prevent. So... thus was my rationale, which I hope the story worked to illustrate. Bad!Sex=TrueLuv.
Comments 33
*flails in inarticulate glee*
Very real, and very them, and this line was pure brilliance. :D
I needed to write the story where Spike desperately tries to resist the (sometimes questionable) allure of Xander. And I have a serious, major kink for the Spike we see later on in canon--he of the well-educated vocabulary and still-bitchy and defensive attitude.
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