Title: Pons Asinorum Pairing: Spike/Xander Rating: Adult Fandom: Buffy The Vampire Slayer Disclaimer: No profit but pleasure. Summary: The first time was pants. Warnings: None. Notes: Thanks to
I can't imagine why they would either of them enter into the first time, let alone see it through *g* But I'm glad they did. The gradual improvement was lovely, the language and the images flowed beautifully and the whole was just great fun. Loved the characterisation of both of them.
I can't imagine why they would either of them enter into the first time
Lucky I can imagine why they'd do it *g*. I tend to think they're a great match, because Spike, for all his posturing, is mushier than Xander, and Xander (for all his geekitude) has deep-running hot. (Though in this case, I left that argument largely out, assuming that the appeal of both Spike and Xander is obvious, because I sure as hell want them both).
Thanks! It's strange, but there's something about the intersection of Spike (who walks around being The Sex God for much of the series) and Xander (who I think is ridiculously hot, and also hotly ridiculous) that just begs for it.
Just wonderful. Spike and his musings, slowly falling for Xander, building to the end which I loved.
He was ensouled, enraptured, and enthralled to this soft-hearted, soft in the head sod, and he should've hated that he was waxing alliterative over a middling mortal man after five fucks and a ha'pint of blood, but all he could manage was a giddy relief that Xander's pulse had already slowed into the even meter of sleep, freeing William to decant in a hushed whisper things Spike would recant, upon pain of death, were Xander to ever hear them.
very raw and very believable. Spike reluctantly hooking up just because there's nothing better on the horizon *coughHarmonycough* and yet slowly getting deeper and deeper (no pun intended) into the relationship. brilliant! I loved it!
I've always thought that Harmony is one of the most telling of Spike's canonical relationships. Because he clearly does more than just keep her around to indulge in some handy sex. He actually makes room for her and her tacky unicorns in his home and actively tries (within the limits of his patience) to recreate something of what he had with Dru. He's clearly got a strong desire to do the warm and fuzzy homemaking bit even as it completely fails to fit in with his punk persona. I mean, the man goes to the dump and looks for pretty lamps. And I think Harmony really goes to show that he's not at all a man who does well living on his own.
At any rate, I adore exploring his inner conflict.
Comments 33
believable. Smooth and well written.
Oh, and sexy, of course.
Lucky I can imagine why they'd do it *g*. I tend to think they're a great match, because Spike, for all his posturing, is mushier than Xander, and Xander (for all his geekitude) has deep-running hot. (Though in this case, I left that argument largely out, assuming that the appeal of both Spike and Xander is obvious, because I sure as hell want them both).
But thank you. I'm glad it all worked for you!
I loved it :)
He was ensouled, enraptured, and enthralled to this soft-hearted, soft in the head sod, and he should've hated that he was waxing alliterative over a middling mortal man after five fucks and a ha'pint of blood, but all he could manage was a giddy relief that Xander's pulse had already slowed into the even meter of sleep, freeing William to decant in a hushed whisper things Spike would recant, upon pain of death, were Xander to ever hear them.
I've always thought that Harmony is one of the most telling of Spike's canonical relationships. Because he clearly does more than just keep her around to indulge in some handy sex. He actually makes room for her and her tacky unicorns in his home and actively tries (within the limits of his patience) to recreate something of what he had with Dru. He's clearly got a strong desire to do the warm and fuzzy homemaking bit even as it completely fails to fit in with his punk persona. I mean, the man goes to the dump and looks for pretty lamps. And I think Harmony really goes to show that he's not at all a man who does well living on his own.
At any rate, I adore exploring his inner conflict.
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