Title: Pons Asinorum Pairing: Spike/Xander Rating: Adult Fandom: Buffy The Vampire Slayer Disclaimer: No profit but pleasure. Summary: The first time was pants. Warnings: None. Notes: Thanks to
Re: Pons Asinorummiriam_heddyAugust 6 2008, 13:37:12 UTC
I'm so glad!
One of the hardest things about writing humor is that decision about who's POV to use. In this case, though, it was easy, as Xander babble is fun to watch from the outside, while Spike disdain is fun to watch from the inside.
This is a sexy realistic portrayal of how things could have gone between Spike and Xander, if they ever gave it a chance. I loved Spike's commentary on Xander's babble and prowess. Also, I enjoyed they way they got better with each other as they became more at ease with each other's bodies and lovemaking. Spike may not let Xander say it but, he knows that something like love is happening here, or maybe real love. Who knows?
Thank you! I find trying to capture that kind of awkwardness interesting, and I like playing with that disjuncture between the idealized encounter and the real, human (and semi-human *g*) experience.
As for letting Xander know, I've always thought that Xander's pretty perceptive and Spike emotes like a great big emoting thing, so as far as I'm concerned, if it makes Spike feel better to think he's hiding it... *g*
I find it difficult to resist Xander, so I can't imagine Spike managing it. And I've always thought Spike's persistence and ability to rationalize his actions make him really interesting.
Also, your icon? Is about the hottest thing I've ever seen. You wouldn't by any chance have that manip in large form? Because if you did, I would looooove to put it on my desktop at home and just stare at it.
Thanks! Spike's just very complicated, and I find his internal contradictions really appealing. I think it's a combination of JM and Joss that Spike's so psychologically complex and layered, and he makes for a good playground, as well as being very easy to fall for.
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One of the hardest things about writing humor is that decision about who's POV to use. In this case, though, it was easy, as Xander babble is fun to watch from the outside, while Spike disdain is fun to watch from the inside.
Also, your icon's fab!
As for letting Xander know, I've always thought that Xander's pretty perceptive and Spike emotes like a great big emoting thing, so as far as I'm concerned, if it makes Spike feel better to think he's hiding it... *g*
Great to see Xander bumbling all over the place and still Spike comes back for more!
Also, your icon? Is about the hottest thing I've ever seen. You wouldn't by any chance have that manip in large form? Because if you did, I would looooove to put it on my desktop at home and just stare at it.
Best of luck!
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