Title: Pons Asinorum Pairing: Spike/Xander Rating: Adult Fandom: Buffy The Vampire Slayer Disclaimer: No profit but pleasure. Summary: The first time was pants. Warnings: None. Notes: Thanks to
Oh now that was fun. Again, I am digging the imperfections of your Spike and your Xander and the flawed (in turns willfully delusional and absolutely clear-sighted) narrator. And it's so like Spike to realize he's done for once a poetry metaphor creeps in. What took me so long to discover this?
Aw yeah - it's words like that I totally live for - join the party, the Spander's fine! I'm pretty excited to have you writing because it's been ages since I've had a new Spander writer to look forward to like this and you're a much needed infusion of high quality new blood into the fandom. Especially since your ideas about Spike and Xander are exactly the kind of thing I love to read - which is in no way to sound quite as greedy as it probably did
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