January 2010 Nominations - Master List

Jan 01, 2010 13:05

Eikyuu Kosai: January 2010 Term Official Nominee Banner:

Artwork Nominations

Best Miroku/Sango Artwork

Title: Expectation
Artist: SangoxMiroku132
Rating: T
URL: http://sangoxmiroku132.deviantart.com/art/Expectation-139075210
Nominated by: yumi-michiyo

Title: Your Flaws Make You Beautiful
Artist: Hanyou-no-miko
Rating: Y
URL: http://hanyou-no-miko.deviantart.com/art/Your-Flaws-Make-You-Beautiful-138253525
Nominated by: luxken27

Title: Can I?
Artist: KANONakaDominik
Rating: K+
URL: http://kanonakadominik.deviantart.com/art/Can-I-134950073
Nominated by: eggplantlady

Title: All I Need is Love
Artist: Anmras
Rating: T
URL: http://anmras.deviantart.com/art/All-I-Need-is-Love-132897226
Nominated by: browneyedmami

Best Portrait: Miroku

Title: INUYASHA: miroku - kazaana
Artist: Friejze
Rating: K+
URL: http://friejze.deviantart.com/art/INUYASHA-miroku-kazaana-139501963
Nominated by: yumi-michiyo

Title: Miroku
Artist: KahoI2i
Rating: K+
URL: http://kahoi2i.deviantart.com/art/Miroku-130460478
Nominated by: eggplantlady

Title: Miroku's X-mas
Artist: Ebalance
Rating: T
URL: http://ebalance.deviantart.com/art/Miroku-s-X-mas-146911623
Nominated by: psyco-chick32

Title: Miroku, the Lecherous Monk
Artist: CrimsonAme
Rating: K+
URL: http://crimsoname.deviantart.com/art/Miroku-the-lecherous-monk-148069583
Nominated by: browneyedmami

Best Portrait: Sango

Title: INUYASHA: sango - hiraikotsu
Artist: Friejze
Rating: K+
URL: http://friejze.deviantart.com/art/INUYASHA-sango-hiraikotsu-139502159
Nominated by: yumi-michiyo

Title: Summer Sango (Version 1)
Artist: Inu-Rinoa
Rating: K+
URL: http://inu-rinoa.deviantart.com/art/Summer-Sango-V1-128800240
Nominated by: luxken27

Title: Sango and Kirara
Artist: KahoI2i
Rating: K+
URL: http://kahoi2i.deviantart.com/art/Sango-and-Kirara-129551516
Nominated by: eggplantlady

Title: Sango
Artist: kein2002
Rating: K+
URL: http://kein2002.deviantart.com/art/Sango-133009146
Nominated by: browneyedmami

Fiction Nominations

Best Drabble

Title: Tomorrow's End
Author: aamalie
Rating: K+
URL: http://community.livejournal.com/mirsan_fics/60270.html
Nominated by: yumi-michiyo

Title: White Noise
Author: landofthekwt
Rating: T
URL: http://community.livejournal.com/mirsan_fics/67068.html
Nominated by: luxken27

Title: Sacrifice
Author: yumi_michiyo
Rating: T
URL: http://community.livejournal.com/mirsan_fics/51975.html
Nominated by: psyco-chick32

Title: The Good Husband
Author: luxken27
Rating: T
URL: http://community.livejournal.com/mirsan_fics/66073.html
Nominated by: aamalie

Title: The Revenants
Author: yumi-michiyo
Rating: K+
URL: http://community.livejournal.com/mirsan_fics/66435.html
Nominated by: paynesgrey

Best One-Shot

Title: Many Waters
Author: aamalie
Rating: T
URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5571367/1/
Nominated by: yumi-michiyo

Title: Forgiveness
Author: psyco-chick32
Rating: T
URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5609160/1/
Nominated by: eggplantlady

Title: Parting Ways
Author: yumi_michiyo
Rating: T
URL: http://community.livejournal.com/mirsan_fics/43183.html
Nominated by: luxken27

Title: Steel and Salt
Author: scribefigaro
Rating: X
URL: http://www.mediaminer.org/fanfic/view_ch.php/164651/581058/
Nominated by: psyco-chick32

Title: Torn
Author: Eyeflower
Rating: T
URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5613420/1/
Nominated by: aamalie

Title: Restoring Equilibrium
Author: yumi-michiyo
Rating: T
URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5613574/1/
Nominated by: landofthekwt

Best Multi-Chaptered Work

Title: Fragments
Author: luxken27
Rating: X
URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5239500/1/
Nominated by: yumi-michiyo

Title: Debt
Author: Milareppa (zigsa)
Rating: T
URL: http://www.mediaminer.org/fanfic/view_st.php/162961
Nominated by: luxken27

Title: Destined
Author: kmoaton
Rating: M
URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4858265/1/
Nominated by: psyco-chick32

Title: Identity Crisis
Author: Griddlebone (eggplantlady)
Rating: M
URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3795858/1/
Nominated by: aamalie

Title: Bitter
Author: doggieearlover
Rating: T
URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5462037/1/
Nominated by: landofthekwt

Best Alternate Universe

Title: Happy New Year
Author: audiodrops
Rating: T
URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5629536/1/
Nominated by: eggplantlady

Title: Fragments
Author: luxken27
Rating: X
URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5239500/1/
Nominated by: yumi-michiyo

Title: Absolution
Author: kmoaton
Rating: X
URL: http://www.mediaminer.org/fanfic/view_st.php/158833
Nominated by: luxken27

Title: Many Waters
Author: aamalie
Rating: T
URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5571367/1/
Nominated by: landofthekwt

Best Canon Universe

Title: Suffocate
Author: luxken27
Rating: Y
URL: http://community.livejournal.com/mirsan_fics/56635.html
Nominated by: yumi-michiyo

Title: The Eight-Fold Path
Author: psyco_chick32
Rating: Y
URL: http://www.mediaminer.org/fanfic/view_st.php/160850
Nominated by: luxken27

Title: Bandits
Author: starzki
Rating: T
URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5625183/1/
Nominated by: psyco-chick32

Title: Come Undone
Author: Griddlebone (eggplantlady)
Rating: T
URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5625963/1/
Nominated by: landofthekwt

Best Character Portrayal: Miroku

Title: Retribution
Author: aamalie
Rating: T
URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5484037/1/
Nominated by: yumi-michiyo

Title: Absolution
Author: kmoaton
Rating: X
URL: http://www.mediaminer.org/fanfic/view_st.php/158833
Nominated by: luxken27

Title: Touch and Go
Author: aamalie
Rating: K+
URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5629561/1/
Nominated by: psyco-chick32

Title: Necessity
Author: Griddlebone (eggplantlady)
Rating: T
URL: http://community.livejournal.com/mirsan_fics/50815.html
Nominated by: aamalie

Title: Fragments
Author: luxken27
Rating: X
URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5239500/1/
Nominated by: paynesgrey

Best Character Portrayal: Sango

Title: Come Undone
Author: Griddlebone (eggplantlady)
Rating: T
URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5625963/1/
Nominated by: yumi-michiyo

Title: Empty Dream
Author: Griddlebone (eggplantlady)
Rating: T
URL: http://community.livejournal.com/mirsan_fics/67452.html
Nominated by: psyco-chick32

Title: Walls of Glass
Author: yumi-michiyo
Rating: T
URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5567952/1/
Nominated by: aamalie

Title: The Eight-Fold Path
Author: psyco-chick32
Rating: Y
URL: http://www.mediaminer.org/fanfic/view_st.php/160850
Nominated by: paynesgrey

Title: Forgiveness
Author: psyco-chick32
Rating: K+
URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5609160/1/
Nominated by: landofthekwt

Best Comedy

Title: His Best Shot
Author: psyco-chick32
Rating: T
URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4969711/10/
Nominated by: yumi-michiyo

Title: To Grope, or Not to Grope
Author: yumi_michiyo
Rating: T
URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4882934/1/
Nominated by: luxken27

Title: Path of Lease Resistance
Author: landofthekwt
Rating: T
URL: http://community.livejournal.com/mirsan_fics/59965.html
Nominated by: psyco-chick32

Title: Compromise
Author: Lady Griddlebone (eggplantlady)
Rating: T
URL: http://community.livejournal.com/mirsan_fics/38589.html
Nominated by: aamalie

Title: Touch and Go
Author: aamalie
Rating: K+
URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5629561/1/
Nominated by: landofthekwt

Best Darkfic/Angst

Title: Pieces
Author: Griddlebone (eggplantlady)
Rating: Y
URL: http://www.mediaminer.org/fanfic/view_ch.php?cid=575213&submit=View+Chapter&id=163416
Nominated by: yumi-michiyo

Title: Many Waters
Author: aamalie
Rating: T
URL: http://community.livejournal.com/mirsan_fics/63277.html
Nominated by: luxken27

Title: Downfall
Author: yumi-michiyo
Rating: M
URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5355520/1/
Nominated by: psyco-chick32

Title: Fragmented Memories
Author: yumi-michiyo
Rating: M
URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5180584/1/
Nominated by: landofthekwt

Best Drama

Title: Bandits
Author: starzki
Rating: T
URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5625183/1/
Nominated by: yumi-michiyo

Title: Debt
Author: Milareppa (zigsa)
Rating: T
URL: http://www.mediaminer.org/fanfic/view_st.php/162961
Nominated by: luxken27

Title: Absolution
Author: kmoaton
Rating: M
URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4710779/1/
Nominated by: psyco-chick32

Title: Crisis
Author: harlowrd
Rating: T
URL: http://harlowrd.livejournal.com/1349.html
Nominated by: aamalie

Title: Minoue
Author: doggieearlover
Rating: M
URL: http://www.mediaminer.org/fanfic/view_st.php/141107
Nominated by: landofthekwt

Best Lemon

Title: One Winter's Evening
Author: luxken27
Rating: X
URL: http://www.mediaminer.org/fanfic/view_ch.php/159677/580934/
Nominated by: yumi-michiyo

Title: Finding Beauty in Negative Spaces (Fragments Chapter 7)
Author: luxken27
Rating: X
URL: http://www.mediaminer.org/fanfic/view_ch.php/162570/577127/
Nominated by: eggplantlady

Title: Steel and Salt
Author: ScribeFigaro
Rating: X
URL: http://www.mediaminer.org/fanfic/view_ch.php/164651/581058/
Nominated by: luxken27

Title: The Final Step
Author: Baka Anime Freak
Rating: M
URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5580673/1/
Nominated by: psyco-chick32

Best Romance

Title: Steel and Salt
Author: scribefigaro
Rating: M
URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5628218/1/
Nominated by: yumi_michiyo

Title: Retribution
Author: aamalie
Rating: T
URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5484037/1/
Nominated by: eggplantlady

Title: Minor Adjustments
Author: aamalie
Rating: T
URL: http://community.livejournal.com/mirsan_fics/50086.html
Nominated by: luxken27

Title: One Winter's Evening
Author: luxken27
Rating: X
URL: http://www.mediaminer.org/fanfic/view_ch.php/159677/580934/
Nominated by: landofthekwt

Hidden Treasure Nominations

Hidden Treasure: Artwork

Title: SPOILER Chap. 545 - Despair
Artist: righteousred
Rating: T
URL: http://righteousred.deviantart.com/art/SPOILER-Chap-545-Despair-79912030
Nominated by: yumi-michiyo

Title: Soft Kisses
Artist: druihd
Rating: T
URL: http://druihd.deviantart.com/art/Soft-Kisses-9151013
Nominated by: luxken27

Title: Sweet Cuddle
Artist: druihd
Rating: MA
URL: http://druihd.deviantart.com/art/Sweet-Cuddle-5125455
Nominated by: psyco-chick32

Title: Turnabout
Artist: TalisX
Rating: K+
URL: http://talisx.deviantart.com/art/Turnabout-6121634
Nominated by: paynesgrey

Title: The Sweetest Thing
Artist: righteousred
Rating: T
URL: http://righteousred.deviantart.com/art/The-Sweetest-Thing-96117119
Nominated by: browneyedmami

Title: Sango and Miroku Cuteness
Artist: klamsi
Rating: K
URL: http://klamsi.deviantart.com/art/Sango-and-Miroku-cuteness-19550826
Nominated by: eggplantlady

Hidden Treasure: Fiction

Title: Void
Author: Aprill May (___acquiesce)
Rating: T
URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/1775184/1/Void
Nominated by: yumi-michiyo

Title: If You Need Her
Author: ScribeFigaro
Rating: M
URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/1250506/1/
Nominated by: luxken27

Title: Sojourn
Author: paperiuni
Rating: T
URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/845778/1/
Nominated by: psyco-chick32

Title: Black and Blue
Author: Aryndiel
Rating: K+
URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4004660/1/
Nominated by: eggplantlady

nominations: fanfiction, january 2010, nominations: fanart

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