Title: "Mutant and Proud"
Fandom: XMFC
Pairing: None, for now.
Rating: Gen
Summary- Emma was just so sick of this. Written for the XMFC Kink Meme
Emma crossed and uncrossed her legs in annoyance, wrinkling her white slacks and messing up her outfit.
They were ranting about Charles again. This bout of complaining was brought about by their most recent confrontation. Xavier had won that time, and led the humans away from the battle safely, and exposed the lab’s inhuman treatment of the people in it.
But Magneto and Mystique were going too far. Angel, Azazel and Janos did not mind Emma’s intrusions upon their minds; in fact, after she explained to them what a telepath’s powers were really like, they only asked her to keep their secrets a secret. When she tried to do the same for Magneto and Mystique, they didn’t listen. Or rather, they didn’t want to listen. They didn’t understand what exactly a telepath went through, because they thought they knew all that they needed to know from their experience with Charles Xavier. They thought that Emma would be like Charles; able to stay out of their heads 24/7, that her control was anywhere near the control Xavier had.
“We asked you to stay out of our heads! Can’t you do that one, simple thing?” whined Mystique. Emma gave an unladylike snort at her childish behavior. It caught the attention of Magneto (Not Erik, not anymore- the man Emma knew, the man who she thought was good is completely gone) who listened in on the conversation attentively.
“Shut up,” Emma said, her words cutting and sharp. “I honestly can’t believe the sheer arrogance of you two. ‘Mutant and proud,’” she sneered, “Only for mutants like you. Mutants like Azazel, Janos and Angel. Not for me. Not for your own brother.” Mystique flinched at the jab, and Magneto opened his mouth to retort, but Emma ruthlessly trampled his reply, “Let me tell you something about Charles Xavier. But first; how powerful do you think I am, compared to him?”
“About his level,” replied Magneto, his voice tinged with annoyance. She bet he thought she was fishing for compliments.
“I’m flattered, sugar. Wrong.”
“Then what? Are you more powerful than him?” sniped Mystique.
“Wrong again, little girl. I am a moderately strong telepath, yes. But Charles Xavier is light-years ahead of me. He is possibly the most powerful telepath in the world. And I can’t believe he put up with the two of you for so long.” Emma clutched the arms of her chair in a white knuckled grasp, “To tell a telepath to stop reading minds is to block them from their powers, is to block them from a part of themselves. A telepath reads the emotions around them as easily as breathing- in some ways it is just as necessary as breathing.”
“How so?” demanded Magneto. Emma smiled icily.
“We telepaths need our gifts. More often than not, telepaths have trouble communicating successfully with others; we read the atmosphere around us so that we know how to act accordingly. Do you see me talking to you much, Magneto? That’s because I don’t know how. And chances are any telepath who sees you with that helmet on won’t join your cause, either,” Emma turned her gaze on Mystique, “And you’re surprised, Mystique, that Charles could never ‘understand’ you? You took away one of his means of knowing you; you basically took away his hearing. You forced him to shield himself constantly, without a care for his health, without a care for what it would do to him physically and mentally. And you wonder why I’m so pissed off at you?” She got up from her chair, and called for Azazel, Angel and Riptide. They appeared in a screen of sulfurous smoke.
“I’m leaving. Anyone want to come with me?” Emma asked them. Magneto spluttered in rage, and Azazel, Angel and Riptide exchanged looks.
“I can’t,” announced Angel, “I don’t think I’m welcome where I think you’ll be going.” Azazel and Janos exchanged knowing looks, before Azazel nodded at Emma for the both of them.
“Are you going to him?” asked Mysique, eyes wide with realization. “Why?”
“Because there, at least, I won’t have to hide who I am. I won’t have to hide my powers, and I won’t be treated like a second class citizen in my own home. He is a telepath. He will understand.” She put her hand out to Azazel, who gripped it tightly in return. She snatched the location of Xavier’s school from Mystique’s mind, and forwarded it to Azazel.
“Good bye.”
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