I've spent the last two days playing nothing but Zelda for hours on end. Hours. I have to finish it by the 7th, so I'm really racking up the time.
My dad went early to stores, but didn't really wait in line (since it was during the -30 degree spell). One day after he had given up all hope, he was buying another present for me (Little Miss Sunshine DVD) and through an overly complicated and entirely fortuitous set of circumstances, he was at the checkout paying for the DVD at Walmart when some people wheeled in some unmarked brown boxes and my dad shouted "I'm first in line!" even though he had no idea what it was. They were Wiis.
I thought about standing in line. Then I remembered how much I love sleep.
My brother and I were there from 4:30 am until 10 am, and it was a looong, cooold wait.
But we were lucky as hell, because there was this really adorable mommy-type figure who was there; she brought extra pillows and blankets for people, and those little packets that you shake up and put in your gloves to warm them up.. Woot. So lucky.
And I've been hitting up RedSteel like there's no tomorrow. I kicked all of my guy cousins'ASSES on death matches. Everyone else in my family just sat around making fun of them for getting their asses kicked by a girl, heeheehee..
Comments 7
Did your mom have to stand in line early-morning to get it for you!? Man. My mother just laughed at my brother and I for doing that, hehe.
My dad went early to stores, but didn't really wait in line (since it was during the -30 degree spell). One day after he had given up all hope, he was buying another present for me (Little Miss Sunshine DVD) and through an overly complicated and entirely fortuitous set of circumstances, he was at the checkout paying for the DVD at Walmart when some people wheeled in some unmarked brown boxes and my dad shouted "I'm first in line!" even though he had no idea what it was. They were Wiis.
I thought about standing in line. Then I remembered how much I love sleep.
My brother and I were there from 4:30 am until 10 am, and it was a looong, cooold wait.
But we were lucky as hell, because there was this really adorable mommy-type figure who was there; she brought extra pillows and blankets for people, and those little packets that you shake up and put in your gloves to warm them up.. Woot. So lucky.
And I've been hitting up RedSteel like there's no tomorrow. I kicked all of my guy cousins'ASSES on death matches. Everyone else in my family just sat around making fun of them for getting their asses kicked by a girl, heeheehee..
and who's Hugh Laurie?
Hugh Laurie = House
Oooh awesome, I like him.
So when do I get to see your undead self then?
As I'm in town, and I believe you are too.
So you can see my undead self as soon as we can make plans! Happy New Year and all that!
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