I'm Pregnant. It's a boy. I am starting to feel him move and such. Never got sick once cause I rock pregnancies. I love the name Dante Stephen. Getting Married to Mark, someday. :)
So when I got home from work I desided to take my car for a little spin. This car, it is uninspected, uninsured, broken windshild with no review mirror, needs new tires and exaust. I was just gonna go around the block, right?
It wouldn't even start. Who is going to want to buy if from me now.
1. One secret 2. One compliment 3. One non-compliment 4. One love note, but it does not have to be for me. 5. Lyrics to a song 6. How old you are 7. How long we've been friends 8. And a hint to who you are
After you do it for me, put it in your LJ and see who does it for you.