I had totally forgotten that this is where my friends tell their TRUE stories of life! Myspace is just a place for pics and funnies! I am going to take the next 3 days and go through here and catch up on the past year I've missed out on! I'm so sorry yall! I love you all! Damn I've missed Johnny and Phoebe. Most of my other buddies I still see on
Is it just me or does Fergie's new song sound like something from JJ Fadd or Salt n Peppa?
Now tell me how many of you just went "We're JJ Fadd and we're here to rock" bo bo boom hee hee TELL THE TRUTH!!!!!!! And now you're fully singing "Super Sonic" LOLOLOL! Ok mabye its just me. God i'm a dork!
Deborah, this is for you! I'm checking on you to see how you are doing this morning. I know it was going to be a tough one! Love you girlie! Hope everything went well!
Ok so its not very often that you catch me in a down right shitty mood, but today is one of those days! and seeing this did NOT help matters
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