WARNING: this is a run-on sentence that goes on and on and on from past tense to present and back again with spelling mistakes galore; and that's okay cuz' it's for ME.
i need some studio space. a spare room. something!
on the curb(s) - i find treasure(s): a wipe board the size of a chalkboard. shelves. random pieces of wood. funky end tables. a semi-broken rocking chair.
i paint them in my mind a thousand times in a million different colors. then i walk home to my little cube.........empty handed
Main Entry: co·nun·drum Pronunciation: k&-'n&n-dr&m Function: noun Etymology: origin unknown 1 : a riddle whose answer is or involves a pun 2 a : a question or problem having only a conjectural answer b : an intricate and difficult problem