I need to find someone with a body problem to work on in a CASE STUDY. Things like dislocations, disabilites, fractures, problems like ankylosing spondylitis, osteoarthritis, scoliosis, super-hunched-over (hyperkyphosis), limited range of motion for some reason, tendonitis, strokes, adhesive capsulitis, anterior compartment syndrome (shin splints
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Comments 4
in other news.
I'm sorry that I'm only sorta a gimp. All I got is Patello-Femoral Syndrome.
patello-femoral... unfortunately massage wont really do anything for that... i think... drat. There's that weird glu-something stuff thats supposed to be good for joints though... it's sold in vitamin/health stores? *shrugs*
now I want to dress up like Jesus. haha.
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