if you know my phone number let me know if your coming and or want to come to my party on the 22nd if you dont know my number i probably dont want you to come.
i went down the shore sunday.. i hung out with a bunch of kids from manhattan. we sat on the beach until 2 and then it started pouring. but you dont truly care and your not going to comment
you know i often wonder if i were to die who would come to my funeral. and then once i have every one at my funeral who would be crying? at my funeral i want them to play the great gig in the sky by pink floyd. thatd be cool. when i get buried i want to be buried face down so every one can kiss my ass. would you go to my funeral???
so yeah i have lymes disease. my doctor said i had the most perfect bullseye rash shed ever seen. the doctors couldnt find my veins to take blood. i sat with a rubber band tied arount each arm for an hour.