Dec 29, 2005 06:15
Hey ladies what's up?
Today is Back2me's birthday and she has invited all of us.
So lets go I heard she has a lot of vodka there.
Dec 19, 2005 13:07
Oh no we have school again fortunately just four days.
How was your weekend?
My was preeeeeeeeeeeeeeetty boring.
Dec 06, 2005 13:10
It's not friday and so we have fortunately the whole week school.
I don't know how to write 2 pages about this weird movie. But i know that someone will do it for me like ....
Nov 10, 2005 13:13
Hi ladies what's up? Fortunately we this is the last day before our long weekend. Do everyone know when we will write our exam? I read that the S4 will write them one day after the christmas break. I hope that we won't write them at the same time.
Oct 24, 2005 13:02
The weekend was very funny. We visite the yacht club in winnipeg.