arright everyone.... you're gonna see a new name on your "people that want to be friends with you list" or whatever live journal calls it. it's mlss_kristy.... shouldn't be too hard to figure out who's lj it is. please add me.... i added everyone allready. as for this one... i may still use it so don't erase it quite yet.....
why is it that everytime you get bloodwork done, it's not the initial needle that hurts, rather the pain is from ripping off the make-shift bandaid that they put on the spot (which usually isn't bleeding anyway....) made from gauze and a medical tape that uses probably the same adhesive as duct tape?!?!?
SOMEBODY needs to write a paper on ANY TOPIC in the health sciences. if anyone has any ideas of a topic, not too broad, PLEASE COMMENT TO ME!!!!! i have a paper due monday, and i have NOTHING so far.
or... if anyone has written a paper about health sciences, and has some really good ideas, it would be freakin awesome!
From now on, all of my entries are friends only, thanks laura for the idea, it just makes sense, and you don't really know who the hell is looking at them.
so if someone would like to read them, just comment to this entry and i will add you to my friends list. sorry!