Always cook for yourself at home, or at least as much as possible. Walk and bike more places to save on gas and get exercise as a bonus. Borrow library books/movies/etc instead of buying them. Put a portion of your paycheck aside each time you get paid, assuming you have any left over, specifically for your trip.
I just reconfigured my direct deposit to put a percentage of my paycheck into my savings account, so now it's like 85% checking, 15% savings, and I just don't touch the savings.
Don't leave your house. It sounds stupid, but it works pretty well. The more I go out, the more money I spend. Meet at friends' houses instead of restaurants. Watch movies instead of going to the mall. Carpool when you can. Even better, take the bus, ride a bike or walk (when it's warmer).
Going off Colin's suggestion: open a savings account completely separate from your normal checking-and-savings arrangement, so that it's that much harder to transfer over or even get to. If your job lets you a) do direct deposit and b) split your check over a couple different accounts, put a percentage of the check in the completely-separate savings and then...don't touch it. Forget about it. The money will be in there before you know it. :)
I do some survey's online and have the money put right into my paypal account. Since it isn't in my normal account I don't use it. That's all the money that I spend on my ebay and internet items. I am saving them right now though for a chinchilla wheel.
Comments 6
Things I do.
Going off Colin's suggestion: open a savings account completely separate from your normal checking-and-savings arrangement, so that it's that much harder to transfer over or even get to. If your job lets you a) do direct deposit and b) split your check over a couple different accounts, put a percentage of the check in the completely-separate savings and then...don't touch it. Forget about it. The money will be in there before you know it. :)
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