Last call for Christmas cards! CLICK HERE!! A couple of people posted their names but not their addresses so I have no idea where to send things - check to make sure you're not one of those people! Anyway, everyone is welcome, so please sign up! Comments on the Christmas entry are screened so don't worry about lots of people seeing your address,
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Post an ANONYMOUS comment with the following: 1. One secret. 2. One compliment. 3. One non-compliment. 4. One love note, but it does not have to be for me. 5. Lyrics to a song. 6. How old you are. 7. How long we've been friends. 8. And a hint to who you are. 9. After you do it for me, put it in your LJ and see who does it for you
Ask me five questions. Any five questions. Life, love, death, when or if I've lost my virginity, if I've tried drugs, where I stand on a political issue, what my favourite song is, sexuality- I'll try my best to answer completely. If you ask, please repost in your journal.
If you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now, (even if we don't speak often) please post a comment with a COMPLETELY MADE UP AND FICTIONAL memory of you and me
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So why am I on your friends list? Know me in person? Drawn by my interesting and thrilling posts? (Ha ha) Added me ages ago and never got around to taking me off again? Comment and then post this in your journal to see what your friends list has to say!
There is a new community created in anticipation for the release of the best movie of all time, AKA Snakes on a Plane. Yes, you heard me right. Snakes-on-a-mother-fucking-Plane. Seriously folks, this is something we all need to know more about. For up to date info on the movie and its pending release, join
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Today I drove around the riding lawn mower in circles while singing at the top of my lungs for a little under two hours. I'm kind of dizzy, but I still call this a victory.