4th blogcrew *_*

Mar 04, 2008 23:10

JJHey, this is my 4th blogcrew XDDD
Haha, :DD

1~ First Come First Served!! [UNLESS I HAVE MY RESERVATIONS :D] 
2~ e.g: Ryo from Kanjani8 and Ryo from NewS are the same person.
3~ I accept all asian MALEstars from groups,[or solo], so people from jrock groups, kpop groups, cpop groups and so on, are allowed!!!
4~ State your claim's name and the group he's in, PLEASE!
5~ One claim per boy, and person =D
6~ I claimed, Miyata Toshiya from Kis-my-ft2 . yayyy

I've written down a Few groups, but there's a lot more out there, so .. yeah xDDD

~ All i need is [Claim]'s http://mitsukoo.livejournal.com/1521.html">love color="#ff0033" size="2"> ♥

~ All i need is [Claim] 's love

Matsumoto Jun ~ ynaoblivious
Ohno Satoshi ~ amethystdream3

Yamada Ryosuke ~ xxaibaxl0v3xx  
Okamoto Keito ~ apdsqueaky
Morimoto Ryutaro ~ onigirii_xb 
Nakajima Yuto ~ sportznutt7
Takaki Yuya ~ chibilover14
Inoo Kei ~ rainychan0o

Kanjani8 { maruyama's the only one left }
Nishikido Ryo ~ lizzfan
Yasuda Shota ~ tadayoshi_86  
Yokoyama Yuu ~ les_cuki
Shibutani Subaru ~ sakuramushy27
Murakami Shingo ~ blueberryxxjam 
Okura Tadayoshi ~ nishikido88

KAT-TUN { Koki's the only one left }
Kamenashi Kazuya ~ shrew_ish
Akanishi Jin ~ michiyu
Taguchi Junnosuke ~ fujaya
Ueda Tatsuya ~ hyper_sama
Nakamaru Yuichi ~ bluriishh

NewS {Complete}
Yamashita Tomohisa ~ martaeruroraito 
Masuda Takahisa ~ kasuki
Tegoshi Yuya ~ crazy_otaku911
Koyama Keiichiro ~ sere_chan
Nishikido Ryo ~ lizzfan
Kato Shigeaki ~ kinoko
Kusano Hironori ~ xchiyo
Uchi Hiroki ~ junn0_mei

Fujigaya Taisuke ~ xwhimsyx
Kitayama Hiromitsu ~ misakii
Miyata Toshiya ~ mitsukoo
Senga Kento ~ misako_amaya

Ikuta Toma ~ emeraude_jade
Watanabe Shota ~ ayau3

Super Junior
Heechul ~ punnchan
Yesung ~ dargilh
Sungmin ~ songness
Siwon ~ se7engdragon
Kibum ~ anjenette

Big Bang
Lee Seung Hyun ~ aznexpress

Fly to the sky
Brian Joo ~ angelique_chan

Jung Yunho ~ nixyneeners10
Kim JaeJoong ~ stacyxxcore
Choi Kang Chang ~ zephkun
Kim Junsu ~ saru_desu

Ahn Chil Hyun - hosuk

Wu Zun ~ carcrashheart_8

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