i should be sleeping. work. no bad sunday yuck money ok work eat alot sleep work hate life work eat alot sleep work bowling eat alot sleep work nap eat work sleep work nap work sleep sleep sleep
its been a long time since i writen to you or anyone or talked to anyone or did anything to get things off my chest. i miss the freedom of being able to say anything at anytime and not get looked at like a weirdo. i know im strange but im not a weirdo
changing your routine is hard. specially waking up in the old routine and trying to jump start the new one. i dont know why im so bored wiht everything. last year at this time you couldnt keep me inside. i guess im bored of the monotony of this place.
i need to write a book about myself and give it out to people when they meet me so i dont have to waste the time sitting down trying to explain myself and how i think and my morals and values and ethics and hot flaming turd rants
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