Title: Bang, Bang, Go the Coffin Nails
Genre: angst/general/slashish-friendship
Pairing(s): Travis/Wes
Rating/Warnings: T, character death
Summary: Based on this
prompt. He lost his partner and now he has to tackle the five stages of grief with Dr. Ryan.
AN: Title comes from Make it Stop (September's Children) by Rise Against. I thought it was kind a
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Comments 2
The first paragraph you didn't say who's dead, but from the describe I already know, and I feel like torturing wes is also a good thing to write too ,because travis may have been in big lost during his foster family days, and he will handle it better.You know, sometimes I wonder maybe it's the other who's dead, the survivor just pretends he is his partner because of the bad outcome of acceptance.(creepy-.-)
I really loved the layout through the five stages. I thought that was really, really creative. Also, very accurate behavioral descriptions, as well (I was a psych major in undergrad :D )!
Yay for Wes getting a doggy and naming him Travis! <333333 (I'm a dog lover so yeah!)
I feel bad for Wes because the only person he had was Travis seeing as everyone else saw it fit to leave his side just because he chose to become a police officer (which is sad and horrible...neither my family nor my friends left my side when I said I wanted to become one).
What's more, is that for some reason, as soon as I started getting teary-eyed (before I even got past the first two paragraphs!) the song 'How to Save a Life' by the Fray started playing my head for some reason which only made me even MORE teary eyed :'(
Beautiful job!
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