Dec 22, 2002 14:58
Woah sorry I've been kind of dead, I've just been promoting for when in Rome and shit. I've also been going to Good Charlotte concerts so I can try and molest Benji and Joel But yeah I'm alive now.
Oct 26, 2002 09:00
Ok people I'm still here. You don't have to go know what forget it.
Oct 12, 2002 18:13
These peoples need journals just because I <3 them! Lol.
Bailey Luetgert
Rafael Rojas III
Jeff D'Agostino
Jesse Head
Brandon Tyler
Amy Davidson
Oct 11, 2002 19:36
I don't think it's suppose to be like this. *shakes head*
Whats wrong with me?
Oct 09, 2002 15:41
My sister is pregnant, Anais is pregnant, Leslie has a kid. Geez...
Sep 30, 2002 07:16
Woah, I am alive I swaer! I just don't know what to do, I'd like to move to New York with Ashley but I don't want to have to make David just pick up and come too. Gr! By the way, where is David?
Sep 18, 2002 19:32
Heyyy! It feels so good to be backkk! *laughs* Sorry just a bit of Eminem there. I'm only back because my sister is getting married and she said she'd make David get a journal. *shrugs* We'll see.