Sep 18, 2009 16:47
Florence + The Machine are coming in November!!
I must go!!
Aug 31, 2009 14:30
Oh my goodness, Shawn Desman is back, and he has hair, and he's really good looking.
What? How?
High Park adventure tomorrow, I'm excited.
I've decided I should just start wearing cologne.
Aug 05, 2009 08:16
Ooh, it's gorgeous outside.
I wonder what I shall wear today.
Jul 31, 2009 17:10
Why is it every time I wish to go onto ROSI, it's closed?
Do websites really have hours of operation?
On a side note, I'm interested in coloured denim.
Jul 05, 2009 16:17
I need to find out ways to make more money.
Aside from the job I already have, are there any quick suggestions?
Jun 08, 2009 17:35
Suddenly it's all anxiety, but the good kind.
May 19, 2009 20:51
It's official, plane ticket bought (um, I hope, the internet is rather sketchy) I'm going to Englaaaand.
Oh god, I think I may die.
Oct 06, 2008 23:40
Bobby, does this mean you're Jewish now?
Jul 25, 2008 20:45
Dear Andrew Vanwyngarden, you are as sexy as they come.
I think I have silver polish under my fingernails.
I am still getting used to fingernails.
I ought to quit everything and become a maid.