This entry always appears at the top of my journal. Scroll down for recent entries.

Feb 28, 2007 23:59

Behind the cut, I address the following questions:
  • Why did I add you to my friends list?
  • Why am I keeping an online journal?
  • What sort of people am I hoping to meet through Live Journal?

  • About "A Peek into the Funhouse*": (*my friends page, aka my flist)
    If I've added you to my flist page, we probably share interests, or other commonalities, according to our profiles. Alternatively, I may have noticed the quality of your writing while browsing. If you would prefer that I not read your entries, just send me a note in a comment.
    *The "funhouse" reference is about self-mockery. (Too many interests; not enough focus.)
    It is not a comment on your sanity or lack thereof :D

    About the purpose(s)of my Live Journal:
  • to write
  • to find more community
  • to establish an easier way to keep in touch with friends and family
  • Mostly, I need a place to write. I'm constantly battling writers' block and using this "toy" helps to keep me working.
    About the People in and around my LiveJournal:
    I am also keeping watch for friends that share my sensibilities. I assume that folks who share my interests would tend to share my ideals. (And compulsions. And quirks. And standards. And etcetera.)
    As for those folks I know from the real-world, please write even though you don't like to write.

    I try to title my entries so that my flist can easily skip over the stuff that doesn't interest them:
    Entries titled "Today's Entertainments" contain bits and pieces such as memes (quizzes), web links and random photographs.
    Entries titled "Today's Putterings" are generally about my to-do lists, the weather and other mundane topics.

    Shameless Community Promotions:
    If you would like to learn more about the tally scores you see in my journal, check out:
    If you are interested in making a daily walk (for exercise or meditation) part of your life, check out:
    If you are an adventurous woman interested in adding a little outrageousness to your life, check out:
    Click here to use my shortcut to my Tags List.
    Search my journal by keyword:
    Behind these links, you will find biographical information not available on my profile page:
    Read as much or as little as you like--no hard feelings.
    Please leave a comment at this entry if you'd like to introduce yourself.

    autobiographical lists

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