How teenagers lives' change when their parents deploy.
I know things have come a long way since I was a milbrat. Hell, we were lucky if we talked to my dad once a week, let alone every other day or on a webcam. But that doesn't make life any easier, I'm sure.
It's a trivia game and for every correct answer, the webstie donates 10 grains of rice to world hunger. At first glance it seems legit, and pretty cool. Check it out if you're bored like me :)
I can honestly say this is the first time I've had this many friends on lj and I need to do a friends cut! There are people on my f-list that never post or comment and I can't even remember where I found them.
It makes me sad that the guy who runs the food shelter drives a clean ass mercedes. Everyday I see him locking up the food shelter with his pretty white mercedes sitting right outside the gate. I wonder what the homeless people think when they go and pick up their food?
due to security concerns regarding sensitive information being released over social networks, the Marines have banned these types of sites for up to one year.