So I got a puppy. She's the best thing ever. her name is Sophia Maria Quesadilla and she is a teacup chihuahua. other than that i have just been terribly busy, work school work school and it beings again. i have a few basically the weekends to catch up on cleaning and laundry and hang out w/ friend. i'm gonna go play w/ puppy and boyfriend how.
life has been sooo crazy but i really like school. more than i thought i would. i don't like missing all the fun stuff that happens @ night though. pedro the lion last night for instance.
I'm terribly homesick. And doubtful. I want my friends. I miss my dog. I can't have dogs in my new house, plus be dosen't like them. my birthday is in a week.
ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh we can start moving tomorrow... oh boy and my dad found out. that was NOT fun. but moving is fun. anyone have a truck? other than my DAD. <3