sorry i havent hung out lately, its b/c you smoke pot! j/k i love you seimer you have been my buddy for a while and i wish i lived in shelbyville to an out with you. I think im getting my permit tommm if things go good, then in like a couple of months i will be driving and i will visit! :)
Chris, i have hung out with you every chance i had. You know it dude. For a while it was just me and you. I dont go to subway as much anymore because i'm tired of being hassled by cops. The next time i'm seen, i'm arrested. You know where i live dude. Come see me. Please, come to the show and support me, you know better then anyone that music is my dream and all i want to do with my life. I love you so much, i hope that you havent given up on me. I'm just now finding a little hope in myself. <3 Daniel
i agree with you as soon as i got a job no one seems to even know i am missing but i never changed i stuck to something that i like and that was emo.... i was always grumpy at people for changing.... but then agian you left me behind when i was by myself last year....
Re: awwww.....devilinshelbycoSeptember 10 2004, 05:36:15 UTC
Ya know i can't really be mad at Derek for his change in music and styles. People fucking change! I just hope he's found what it is that he likes and i hope that he is happy. I agree with Seimer on his points as well. But anyway i've got a great job that's getting me a lot of contacts in state government I have my daughter and Tyanda, i know where i want to be and i hope everyone finds that someday. And Danny i love you like you were my flesh and blood man and I know you want to play music for the rest of your life, but jobs and money YOU NEED THEM TO SURVIVE!!!! Get a job until you start getting a little income from your music. Love all you guys and I pray that everyone wises up to what seimer is saying and starts being themselves but regardless i do love you guys. Later
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<3 Daniel
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