Below, some common questions that you may wonder about are displayed. We recommend you give it a look before applying and/or if you want a better idea about gameplay.
What type of setting is the game?
sortinghat_rp is a multifandom AU (Alternate Universe) game that takes place in the Harry Potter universe. All the characters will be taken from their
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Comments 204
The way that reserves work is, if you have a reserve for a character and you app a different one, we delete the original hold, so if you DO plan on reserving Sebastian, I'd suggest waiting until after you apply for Yuki.
That being said, we plan on opening up teacher positions when we get to 200 characters and we're at about 196 currently. I think it's probably best to wait until they've opened up, but if you want to start your app, feel free! :3
Ah, okay! I understand. Thank you very much! ^w^
How do the Summer months function? Do characters communicate through the journals still, just... from their own homes? /stupid question is stupid
We also have remedial classes and quidditch camp as well as the quidditch cup going on. Some of the events we have planned are posted here, but there are a lot more that aren't on there yet.
Hope that helps! 8D;;
What if...let's say Hibari comes in...will he be able to access his tonfas? I get that he won't be able to use his boxes/rings, but what about his ability to fight empty-handed? Like, hand-to-hand combat, that sort of stuff [plus the tonfas, maybe...]
Thank you!
As to that, we'd prefer if characters didn't have their weapons, mainly because hand to hand combat and advanced weapon training is really a muggle thing and isn't really something MOST purebloods or halfbloods know of. But if he was a muggleborn, it'd be more realistic for him to know of it.
I hope that helps some!
That's a good question. I guess I'd have to ask if someone else was planning on applying Alle, as a twin or something. The thing is, separating the two is taking away a major part of the character and their history, especially if you want to play the alter as opposed to the main personality. From the little that I've understood of Gundam 00 Halle came FROM Alle, and went dormant inside his mind for a decent part of the series. So it seems like it'd be a drastic change to separate the two and just play Halle.
I don't want to dissuade you from applying, though; it'd really depend on the app. If you want to give it a shot anyway, we can look over the application and make a final decision about it from there.
Still, I will write up an app for him and send it over, won't be hurt if it's not accepted of course!
That's a good idea! Thanks for asking in advance!
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