moghedien's LiveJournal popularity rating is 3.56/10. moghedien is more popular than 95.7% of all LiveJournal users. moghedien is more popular than 78.4% of their mutual friends.
hey everyone. so we need a summer sublet. from may till sept. if anyone knows of anyone please let me know. i'll give more details if you contact me. thanks.
i think the saddest thing ever is when people are alone on the ttc crying. for some reason it really gets to me because you know you feel like shit when you're crying alone in public. i've done it myself so i feel awful for those i see. of course i'm a lick my wounds alone in my room type of person so that could bias me.
attention roomies, we might not have heat for a couple of days due to the basement flooding and water running out of the heater or something? anyway it's lame and reinforces once again why we're leaving.